Stages of apartment construction in Poland
According to Polish legislation, three main stages of apartment construction can be distinguished. This:
1) apartments for the construction of which permits have been issued or an application for building design has been filed;
2) apartments whose construction has begun;
3) apartments put into operation.
Dwellings for which permits have been granted or which have been registered with a construction project
Dwellings for which permits have been granted by the construction and architectural administrative authority or registrations of which have been accepted with a construction project within indicated investments in accordance with the Polish Building Code.
Dwellings in which construction has begun
Dwellings which are to come into existence as a result of construction, expansion (residential and non residential buildings) non-residential accommodations or reconstruction larger dwellings to smaller ones, at which realization - in accordance with the Polish Building Code - construction works has begun.
Until 1998, in private construction, dwellings for which permits have been granted were considered as dwellings in which construction has begun.
Dwellings completed
Dwellings (residential buildings) whose completion was registered by an investor at local building control authorities and this body did not raise any objections or with respect to whose use the investor obtained a permit by decision of building control authorities.
Until 1999, in non-private construction, dwellings were considered to be completed, the completion of which was confirmed by the investor and the contractor in the acceptance protocol.
Source of definitions: Law of July 7, 1994 – Law on Construction (Prawo budowlane) Poland
Analysis of the housing market in Poland for the first quarter of 2024
Mokotow. Microdistrict (obszar) „Stegny” (Stegny)
December Brings No Changes in the Average Price per Square Meter According to preliminary BIG DATA figures, the average price per square meter of new apartments in the seven largest