An address sign on the house is required
Each house must be properly marked. Failure to obtain the required address sign may result in fines. Inspections have already begun in a number of locations, which could lead to allegations of inadequate building markings.
Each house must be properly marked. Failure to obtain the required address sign may result in fines. Inspections have already begun in a number of locations, which could lead to allegations of inadequate building markings.
The address on the wall of the house will not only help the courier deliver the package to the specified address, but will also make the work of paramedics or firefighters easier. However, placing a sign with the building number is primarily an obligation arising from the Geodetic and Cartographic Legislation. In addition, owners of private houses are also required to do this.
By law, the owner of the property is required to mark it accordingly. This obligation arises from section 47b of the Geodetic and Cartographic Law Act.
"Owners of developed real estate or other persons appearing in the register of lands and buildings who own such real estate are required to place a sign with a serial number in a visible place - on the front wall of the building or fence - within 30 days from the date of receipt of notification of the establishment of this number."
Municipalities throughout Poland are also reminding people of the need to install a house number sign. Usually the number is assigned by the commune, but if this does not happen, the owner or user of the land must contact the commune office and apply for its determination there.
“In addition to the serial number, the plate also indicates the name of the street or square, and in populated areas without streets or squares or having streets or squares without names, the name of the populated area. If the building is located in the depths of a fenced property, a plate with a serial number is also placed on the fence,” says the Polish police website. In addition, the sign must be properly lit so that it can be seen after dark.
Officials are checking for signage and warning against fines.
Prices for signs with the street name and building number start from 20 zlotys. Thus, the cost is low, and its absence can cause harm. Failure to fulfill this obligation will result in a fine of 20 to 250 zlotys.
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