Housing construction by districts of Warsaw
Let's consider housing construction in Warsaw districts in 2021 (these are the latest official statistics). During this year, 1,696 houses were put into operation in the Polish capital, of which one third were private - 567, and two thirds were intended for sale or rent (Table 1). One house was built by the Targówek commune.
The largest number of residential buildings were built in the areas of Wawer - 496, Białołęka - 375, Wilanów - 195. They account for almost two thirds of the completed houses in Warsaw. Almost nothing was delivered in the areas of Praga-Północ - 4 buildings, Ochota and Żoliborz - 6 buildings each.
The largest number of residential buildings were built in the areas of Wawer - 496, Białołęka - 375, Wilanów - 195. They account for almost two thirds of the completed houses in Warsaw. Almost nothing was delivered in the areas of Praga-Północ - 4 buildings, Ochota and Żoliborz - 6 buildings each.
Private owners built mainly in the areas of Wawer - 164 houses, Białołęka -109, Wesoła - 57, Wilanów - 52 houses. This is exactly half of all private houses built in Warsaw in 2021. Now you can see where individual houses are being built in Warsaw.
It is easy to guess where there is no modern private development - this is the city center: Ochota, Praga-Północ, Śródmieście, Wola, Żoliborz, Praga-Południe.
There were 1,128 homes built for sale or rental in 2021, mostly multifamily. Developers built the most houses in the areas of Wawer - 332, Białołęka -266, Wilanów - 195 houses. The least is in the already mentioned central regions. It is clear that there are practically no sites for development here.
Table 1. New buildings commissioned by type of housing construction in 2021
Table 1. New buildings completed by forms of housing construction in 2021
Districts |
Total |
Construction * |
private |
for sale or rent |
municipal (gmina) |
M.st. Warszawa |
1696 |
567 |
1128 |
1 |
Districts: |
Bemowo |
71 |
5 |
66 |
– |
Białołęka |
375 |
109 |
266 |
– |
Bielany |
67 |
21 |
46 |
– |
Mokotów |
64 |
16 |
48 |
– |
Ochota |
6 |
– |
6 |
– |
Praga-Południe |
39 |
6 |
33 |
– |
Praga-Północ |
4 |
– |
4 |
– |
Rembertów |
56 |
38 |
18 |
– |
Śródmieście |
6 |
– |
6 |
– |
Targówek |
45 |
14 |
30 |
1 |
Ursus |
72 |
19 |
53 |
– |
Ursynów |
75 |
48 |
27 |
– |
Wawer |
496 |
164 |
332 |
– |
Wesoła |
78 |
57 |
21 |
– |
Wilanów |
195 |
52 |
143 |
– |
Włochy |
30 |
12 |
18 |
– |
Wola |
11 |
3 |
8 |
– |
Żoliborz |
6 |
3 |
3 |
– |
* Excluding summer homes, holiday cottages and rural residences not adapted for permanent residence as well as residences for communities.
Now let's turn to table 2, which shows how many residential premises (apartments and houses) were commissioned in 2021. There are only 18.5 thousand of them. The largest number of residential premises were built in the areas of Białołęka – 3840, Praga-Południe – 2479, Mokotów – 2080, Wola – 1836, Ursus – 1807, Wawer – 1029.
We made a calculation of how many residential premises, on average, there are per completed house in 2021 (taking into account individual and multi-storey buildings). So, if in the capital there are on average about 11 apartments in one new building, then in areas such as Bielany, Rembertów, Wawer, Wesoła, Wilanów this figure is much lower. This suggests that small houses are being built here - private and for sale.
At the same time, new buildings are multi-apartment in the areas of Wola (167 apartments, on average, per house), Praga-Północ - 73, Praga-Południe - 64, Żoliborz - 54, Śródmieście - 53. In these areas, the most multi-storey residential buildings are being built complexes.
When calculating the number of residential premises put into operation per 1000 people in 2021, it is clear that compared to the reference 10.0 in Warsaw, this figure is significantly higher in the areas: Ursus (27), Białołęka (25.3). It exceeds the city average in the areas of Praga-Południe, Rembertów, Wawer, Wilanów, mainly due to the low population of these areas.
The next calculation indicator is the number of apartments in one residential building. We specifically made this calculation so that we could see how these numbers vary across territories. If, on average, in Warsaw developers currently rent out apartments with a little less than 3 rooms, then in 10 districts it is even less. Basically, this is the city center. It is here that the average number of rooms in an apartment does not exceed 2.5.
In those areas where the construction of private houses is large, the average number of rooms fluctuates around 3 - 4, and the maximum is limited only by the capabilities of customers.
On the average area of one residential premises commissioned in 2021. Let us remember that these are both private houses and apartments. So, in Warsaw, on average, the usable area of one rented apartment was 64.8 square meters. meters. The largest area of completed housing was recorded in the following areas: Wilanów - 117.3 square meters, Wawer - 110.2, Wesoła - 102.7, Żoliborz - 69.5, Ursynów - 68.2, Rembertów - 67.8, Bielany - 67, 7 sq. meters.
As with the number of rooms, the area of residential premises is larger in those areas where private development is taking place.
The last thing we would like to dwell on when analyzing Table 2 is our calculation of which areas of the Polish capital have the largest number of housing units by area.
Both in absolute numbers and as a percentage, the leaders are the following: Białołęka (227,797 m2 of usable area or 19.0% of all housing delivered in the city), Praga-Południe (132,651 m2 and 11.1%, respectively), Mokotów (131,819 m2 and 11.0%), Wawer (113,386 m2 and 9.4%), Wola (107,987 m2 and 9.0%), Ursus 103,904 m2 of usable area or 8.7% of all housing delivered in the city).
Table 2. Dwellings completed in 2021
Districts |
Dwellings |
Rooms |
Useful floor area in m2 |
Residential premises per 1 rented house
Apartment in 1 living space
Usable area of apartments district/city,% |
total |
per 1,000 population |
per 1,000 marriages contracted |
total |
per 1,000 population |
of dwellings |
average per dwelling |
M.st. Warszawa |
18528 |
10,0 |
2176 |
52702 |
28,3 |
1199810 |
64,8 |
10,9 |
2,8 |
100,0 |
Districts: |
Bemowo |
852 |
6,6 |
1801 |
2535 |
19,6 |
55031 |
64,6 |
12,0 |
3,0 |
4,6 |
Białołęka |
3840 |
25,3 |
6000 |
10817 |
71,3 |
227797 |
59,3 |
10,2 |
2,8 |
19,0 |
Bielany |
503 |
3,7 |
1000 |
1401 |
10,4 |
34058 |
67,7 |
7,5 |
2,8 |
2,8 |
Mokotów |
2080 |
9,2 |
1893 |
5499 |
24,3 |
131819 |
63,4 |
32,5 |
2,6 |
11,0 |
Ochota |
143 |
1,8 |
481 |
364 |
4,6 |
8558 |
59,8 |
23,8 |
2,5 |
0,7 |
Praga-Południe |
2479 |
13,3 |
3083 |
6295 |
33,7 |
132651 |
53,5 |
63,6 |
2,5 |
11,1 |
Praga-Północ |
291 |
4,8 |
1025 |
1062 |
17,4 |
11970 |
41,1 |
72,8 |
3,6 |
1,0 |
Rembertów |
318 |
12,8 |
2607 |
1014 |
40,9 |
21553 |
67,8 |
5,7 |
3,2 |
1,8 |
Śródmieście |
317 |
3,1 |
353 |
788 |
7,7 |
20943 |
66,1 |
52,8 |
2,5 |
1,7 |
Targówek |
913 |
7,3 |
1685 |
2390 |
19,2 |
50131 |
54,9 |
20,2 |
2,6 |
4,2 |
Ursus |
1807 |
27,0 |
5330 |
4875 |
72,8 |
103904 |
57,5 |
25,1 |
2,7 |
8,7 |
Ursynów |
591 |
3,9 |
918 |
1809 |
11,8 |
40305 |
68,2 |
7,9 |
3,1 |
3,4 |
Wawer |
1029 |
12,0 |
2957 |
4157 |
48,3 |
113386 |
110,2 |
2,1 |
4,0 |
9,4 |
Wesoła |
216 |
8,2 |
1532 |
784 |
29,9 |
22182 |
102,7 |
2,8 |
3,6 |
1,8 |
Wilanów |
602 |
11,9 |
2700 |
2256 |
44,4 |
70591 |
117,3 |
3,1 |
3,7 |
5,9 |
Włochy |
389 |
7,9 |
1607 |
1057 |
21,5 |
24570 |
63,2 |
13,0 |
2,7 |
2,0 |
Wola |
1836 |
12,2 |
2712 |
4662 |
30,9 |
107987 |
58,8 |
166,9 |
2,5 |
9,0 |
Żoliborz |
322 |
5,7 |
1364 |
937 |
16,6 |
22374 |
69,5 |
53,7 |
2,9 |
1,9 |
In the previous table 2 we have already analyzed the area of residential premises commissioned in Warsaw (64.8 m2) by region.
Now we can more clearly trace the average usable area of one residential premises in the context of private houses and apartments for sale (Table 3). The area of communal apartments is only 38.5 sq.m. and we don’t think anyone has any questions about why.
The average area of apartments from developers in Warsaw was 60.3 sq.m. and it is more than 3 times smaller than the area of private housing (194.4 sq.m.). Here, too, everything is clear, private owners order what they want.
Let's see how large mansions are built in the districts of Warsaw: Żoliborz (the average area of each of the 5 private houses delivered is 374.2 sq.m), Mokotów (16 houses and 276.3 sq.m), Wilanów (58 houses and 255.1 sq.m.), Bielany (23 houses and 211.3 sq.m.), Bemowo (the average area of each of the 11 private houses delivered is 208.9 sq.m.).
The largest residential premises intended for sale or rent (or, simply put, apartments) were commissioned in the areas of Wawer - 92.2 sq.m., Wesoła - 67.7, Śródmieście - 66.1, Żoliborz - 64.7 sq.m.
At the same time, developers are gravitating towards small-sized apartments in the areas: Praga-Północ 41.1 sq.m. area of one rented residential premises, Rembertów - 54.9, Białołęka - 55.4, Targówek and Ursus - 55.9 each, Ursynów - 56.0 sq.m.
Thus, we have clearly seen in which areas of the capital city of Warsaw the most intensive housing construction is taking place, where the largest and smallest apartments are being built.
In any situation, we can help you purchase housing in the capital of Poland.
Table 3. Dwellings completed by forms of construction in 2021
Dwellings |
Rooms |
Useful floor area of dwellings in m2 |
Average useful floor area per dwelling in m2 |
M.st. Warszawa |
18528 |
52702 |
1199810 |
64,8 |
private |
642 |
3685 |
124787 |
194,4 |
for sale or rent |
17730 |
48743 |
1069013 |
60,3 |
municipal (gmina)) |
156 |
274 |
6010 |
38,5 |
Районы: |
Bemowo |
852 |
2535 |
55031 |
64,6 |
private |
11 |
63 |
2298 |
208,9 |
for sale or rent |
841 |
2472 |
52733 |
62,7 |
Białołęka |
3840 |
10817 |
227797 |
59,3 |
private |
116 |
674 |
21380 |
184,3 |
for sale or rent |
3724 |
10143 |
206417 |
55,4 |
Bielany |
503 |
1401 |
34058 |
67,7 |
private |
23 |
125 |
4860 |
211,3 |
for sale or rent |
480 |
1276 |
29198 |
60,8 |
Mokotów |
2080 |
5499 |
131819 |
63,4 |
private |
16 |
106 |
4421 |
276,3 |
for sale or rent |
2064 |
5393 |
127398 |
61,7 |
Ochota |
143 |
364 |
8558 |
59,8 |
for sale or rent |
143 |
364 |
8558 |
59,8 |
Praga-Południe |
2479 |
6295 |
132651 |
53,5 |
private |
7 |
35 |
1081 |
154,4 |
for sale or rent |
2472 |
6260 |
131570 |
53,2 |
Praga-Północ |
291 |
1062 |
11970 |
41,1 |
for sale or rent |
291 |
1062 |
11970 |
41,1 |
Rembertów |
318 |
1014 |
21553 |
67,8 |
private |
42 |
238 |
6480 |
154,3 |
for sale or rent |
276 |
776 |
15073 |
54,6 |
Śródmieście |
317 |
788 |
20943 |
66,1 |
for sale or rent |
317 |
788 |
20943 |
66,1 |
Targówek |
913 |
2390 |
50131 |
54,9 |
private |
15 |
99 |
2644 |
176,3 |
for sale or rent |
742 |
2017 |
41477 |
55,9 |
municipal (gmina) |
156 |
274 |
6010 |
38,5 |
Ursus |
1807 |
4875 |
103904 |
57,5 |
private |
23 |
128 |
4191 |
182,2 |
for sale or rent |
1784 |
4747 |
99713 |
55,9 |
Ursynów |
591 |
1809 |
40305 |
68,2 |
private |
72 |
421 |
11219 |
155,8 |
for sale or rent |
519 |
1388 |
29086 |
56,0 |
Wawer |
1029 |
4157 |
113386 |
110,2 |
private |
177 |
991 |
34848 |
196,9 |
for sale or rent |
852 |
3166 |
78538 |
92,2 |
Wesoła |
216 |
784 |
22182 |
102,7 |
private |
58 |
318 |
11489 |
198,1 |
for sale or rent |
158 |
466 |
10693 |
67,7 |
Wilanów |
602 |
2256 |
70591 |
117,3 |
private |
58 |
349 |
14793 |
255,1 |
for sale or rent |
544 |
1907 |
55798 |
102,6 |
Włochy |
389 |
1057 |
24570 |
63,2 |
private |
15 |
79 |
2517 |
167,8 |
for sale or rent |
374 |
978 |
22053 |
59,0 |
Wola |
1836 |
4662 |
107987 |
58,8 |
private |
4 |
22 |
695 |
173,8 |
for sale or rent |
1832 |
4640 |
107292 |
58,6 |
Żoliborz |
322 |
937 |
22374 |
69,5 |
private |
5 |
37 |
1871 |
374,2 |
for sale or rent |
317 |
900 |
20503 |
64,7 |
Property owners in Poland are required to pay property tax annually (Podatek od nieruchomości), the maximum allowable rates for which are determined by the Law on Local Taxes and Fees.
Housing construction by districts of Warsaw
Residential real estate market in Poland in the II quarter of 2021. Dynamics of prices for apartments (sq. m) in the largest cities of Poland