1. General information about the city of Konstancin-Jeziorna
2. Environment in Konstancin-Jeziorna
3. History of Konstancin-Jeziorna
4. Infrastructure Konstancin-Jeziorna
5. Transport in Konstancin-Jeziorna
6. Culture in Konstancin-Jeziorna
7. Education in Konstancin-Jeziorna
8. Sports and tourism in Konstancin-Jeziorna
9. Resort Konstancin-Jeziorna
10. Modernity and the future of Konstancin-Jeziorna
1. General information about the city of Konstancin-Jeziorna
Konstancin Jeziorna (Konstancin-Jeziorna) is a city and the center of a commune (parish) in Poland, part of the Piaseczynski poviat of the Masovian Voivodeship.
It is part of the Warsaw agglomeration. It is located about 20 km south of the center of Warsaw.
Population 17,032 (December 31, 2021). It occupies an area of 17.1 km².
The city of Konstancin-Jeziorna was founded in 1969 as a result of the merger of the cities of Skolimov-Konstancin and Jeziorna and several villages. At the same time, Jezerna has existed since the 1410th century.
The city is located at the junction of the Warsaw Plain and the Middle Vistula valley, on the Jeziorka River and its tributary Male. From the south and east it is surrounded by a complex of Khoynovsko-Slomchinsky forests, and from the north it adjoins the Kabatsky forest. The Jezerka River flows through the city from west to east. The city is surrounded by pine forest and immersed in greenery.
From the west, the city borders on the commune of Piaseczno, from the north - from Bielawa, from the east of the city there are coastal areas bounded by the Vistula River.
Administrative division:
The city is not formally divided into districts, but there are separate centers, usually coinciding with historical components - settlements and residential areas that existed in this area before the unification of cities in 1969.
These include:
Klarishev - borders on Warsaw,
Jeziorna - for historical reasons, sometimes also called Jeziorna Królewska - the central part, the commune administration and the police station are located here,
Mirków - an estate of tenement houses around a paper mill,
Konstancin - the main resort part with low-rise park and country houses,
Grapa - an area of apartment buildings (currently this name also applies to the territory of the former Ozernaya Oborskaya),
Skolimov is a district of private houses.
2. Environment in Konstancin-Jeziorna
The city is located in the Warsaw Plain region. The plain is crossed by the Jezerka valley and smaller valleys of its tributaries. The most important of them are the Jezersky canal and the Mala stream.
A river slope stretches from south to north, the remnant of the Vistula valley, passing in the north into the Warsaw slope, reaching a height of 30 meters. It is most clearly visible at the height of the Grapa estate, where it separates the urban development, concentrated along the street. Wilanowska from wet meadows to the east of the city.
The Jezerka River flows through the city from west to east. At the height of the Kurortny Park, the Mala stream (historically Vezhbna) flows into it. Through Skolimov passes the so-called. Jezersky ditch, flowing into the main river. In the south-west of the city there are clay quarries, ponds left from the quarries, from which clay was taken for the needs of the Chilitskaya Brick Factory.
In 1965, salt springs were discovered in Konstantin-Skolimovo. Since 1979, a cooling tower has been supplied from the water intake at a depth of 1750 m (located in the Kurortny Park Zdrojowy), and since 2016, the EVA Park Life & Spa (ibid.). The brine has a temperature of 29°C and has relaxing and cosmetic properties. It has a healing effect on the nervous system, endocrine glands and the body's immunity.
The great wealth of Konstancin-Jeziorna is the nature reserves and forests surrounding it, thanks to which the air here is exceptionally clean and saturated with essential oils. The decoration of the landscape is the Vistula. The queen of Polish rivers over a kilometer wide spills at the southern gates of the capital. The Vistula part of the commune belongs to Urzecz, colloquially called Luřice, an extremely colorful ethnographic region stretching along both banks of the Vistula, between the former mouths of the Pilica and Wilga, the Mokotow Sekerka and the right-bank Saska Kempa.
Konstancin-Jeziorna and its surroundings, thanks to the richness of flora and fauna, are a paradise for wildlife lovers. Experts say that about 150 species of birds can be seen here during the year.
To the north of Konstancin-Jeziorna is the Kabacka Forest, the Park of Culture in Powszyna and the Botanical Garden of the Polish Academy of Sciences. To the south of Konstancin-Jeziorna are the territories of the Chojnów Landscape Park, in which several nature reserves have been identified - for example, Skarpa-Oborska (15 ha), Obora (44 ha), Lengy-Oborski (48 ha), Olszyna-Lichinska (25 ha) .
On the right bank of the Jezerka, between the industrial areas in Mirkow and the villages on the Vistula, there are tugai forests, and on the south side of the Al. Wojska Polskiego - wet meadows merging into the Choinovsko-Slomczynski forest complex. The districts of Konstancin and Skolimov are covered with dense forest.
In Konstancin there is the Zdrojowy Park named after. Vitold Skorzhevsky with a cooling tower (Graduation Tower), a Hydrotherapy Center and an Amphitheater. Its functional extension is Trakt Walkowy im. Henryk Sienkiewicz, Aleya Milosnikov Konstanchina and prof. Yana Haftek (former Mostovaya Street).
The second park is located in Mirkov.
There are several dozens of trees in the city that are included in the Central Register of Conservation Forms as natural monuments, incl. Oak Meshko on Lesnaya street. Three granite boulders - Jerome boulders.
3. History of Konstancin-Jeziorna
Ezerna. Old paper mill:
Jezerna was a village that existed since the Middle Ages, probably around the 13th or 14th century, around a river crossing. The first written mention of it in documents appears in 1410 on the occasion of the exclusion of the parish in Powsina from the parish of Wilanow. The saying “Do you know where Jeziorna is?” is associated with the village, which in the 18th century meant the threat of an “appellation in Jeziorna”, i.e. a duel.
In the area under the authority of the leader, duels were forbidden, its border was the Jezerka River, so the people of that time used this secluded place - perhaps located on the site of today's Kurortny Park or the residential area of Grapa. The river also separated Ezernaya Korolevskaya (to the north of Jezerka), which was under the control of the king, and Ezernaya Oborskaya (southern), which belonged to the owners of Obor.
On June 24, 1607, Zebrzydowski's rebels, having gathered on the fields of Jezerna, handed over their manifesto to King Sigismund III Vasa, issuing an act on the overthrow of the monarch.
From the beginning of the 15th century, a mill operated in Jeziorne. It has been in its current location on the Jezerskaya dam since at least 1730. In 1775, Baron Jan Kurz approached King Stanisław August Poniatowski with a proposal to found a paper mill in Jeziorne. The plant was built one and a half kilometers downstream from this first mill. It was one of the oldest paper mills in Poland and the first in Mazovia. On the paper of the Royal Paper Mill founded at that time, the Constitution was written on May 3rd. A settlement was founded near the paper mill. In the following years, the factory became the property of Samuel Brushke and then Jozef Krzyczkowski. It burned down three times - in 1804, 1819 and 1829.
In 1830 the plant became the property of the Polski bank. It produced the paper used to print securities. In 1836, the plant was equipped with modern machines brought from Vienna - it was the first paper machine in Poland, which allowed the production of "endless paper". It was placed in the "upper mill" purchased for this purpose, designed by Jan Jakub Gay in 1836-1838 and located on the site of a former mill.
At that time, a modern industrial complex was created, connecting two factories. Since then, the new complex has been called the "upper paper mill" and the old one the "lower paper mill". In 1888, the plant in Jeziorne was bought by the Joint-Stock Company of the Mirkovskaya Factory to Papieru. On the initiative of Eduard Natanson, a year later, most of the machines and specialists were transferred to Jeziorna from Mirkow. Also, on his initiative, the Porombka residential complex was created for the employees of the new factory. In honor of the industrialist, for many years the name Eduardov was used to describe him, and the area itself is now called Mirków, after the name of the main paper mill.
In 1905, paper mill workers took part in a May Day demonstration, which was dispersed by the police. In 1926 there was an 11-week strike, and in 1927-1931. numerous demonstrations and clashes with the police, after which Ezerna was called Chervony Mirkov.
Before World War II, Jeziorne had a strong Jewish community. According to the report of 1921, Jews made up half of the inhabitants of the settlement (there were 329 of them), in 1939 this number increased to 455. There was a synagogue in the area, built in the early 1930s. at the intersection of st. Warsaw and st. Belyavskaya and mikveh (a building on Belyavskaya street that has survived to this day). During the war, the Germans rounded up the Jews of Jeziorna and the surrounding area in a temporary ghetto (located between the Jeziorka River and Beliavska Street) and then transported them to the Warsaw Ghetto (January or February 1941).
In the region of Jeziorna and Skolimov-Konstancin, the group of the Home Army of the 5th district "Gontyn" operated. In the commune of Jeziorna itself, there were three platoons and a separate, although operating in the structures of the Home Army, an NHS battalion operating at a paper mill. On the day the uprising began, this detachment successfully attacked a German post near the plant, then the fighting moved to Klarishev, and then to Povsin.
After 1945, the paper mill in Jeziorne was known as Warszawskie Zakłady Papiernicze im. Mariana Jaworski is one of the main paper producers in the People's Republic of Poland, privatized in the 1990s. Over the years, the upper complex has been turned into a clothing store and warehouses. It almost completely burned down during a fire in 1984. In the restored and expanded buildings of the old part of the paper mill, in 2002 the shopping center "Stara Papiernia" was created. The "lower" plant, owned by the Mets, ceased paper production and closed in 2012. Most of the plant, with the exception of some historic buildings and a chimney, was demolished in 2013–2014.
The first mention of Skolimov appears in historical records in 1407 under the name of Yak from Skolimov, the ancestor of the family that ruled this territory until the 16th century. Most likely, in the areas lying on the northern shore of the lake (now Jezerki), the settlements were granted by the Mazovian princes to the knights from Prussia, who were fleeing the war between the Crown and the Teutonic Order and created the settlement of Skolimovo. In the 17th century Skolimov became the property of the heirs of Oborov. Probably also in the 17th century a manor house was built on this site; the first written mention of it dates back to 1753.
At the beginning of the 20th century, a summer resort was founded on the south bank of the Jeziorka - since then, Skolimov has also been a summer resort offering the same healing and natural values as the nearby Konstancin, founded in 1897 on the south bank, downstream, with which it was merged into one urban center in 1952.
The name Konstancin comes from the name of Countess Constantia Skorzhevskaya, nee Potulitskaya. Konstancin arose from the territory separated from the estate of Obora, bequeathed to the countess by her sister in 1898. The forestry of Konstanciya (about 100 hectares) was divided by Konstancija's son, Count Witold Skurzhevsky and his uncle Stanislav Mielcinski at the end of the 19th century - the official date of the foundation of the city was 1897 .
Woodlands near Warsaw, located on the continuation of the Royal Route with access to the Wilanowska Railway, have become a popular place for building summer cottages. At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, many state residences were built here, designed by leading Polish architects in all styles fashionable at that time: from historical (neo-gothic, neoclassicism, etc.) to manor architecture and the Zakopane style of Witkiewicz, as well as samples of Italian villas or Rhine castles, all the way to whimsical Art Nouveau, modernism or economic functionalism of the 1930s. The designers were, among others: Jan Frederik Heurich, Władysław Marconi, Henryk Gay, Tadeusz Tolwinski, Jozef Pius Dziekonski, Władysław Jablonski, Kazimierz Skurewicz, Franciszek Lilpop, Bronisław Kolonna-Czosnowski, Czesław Przybylski and the Praesens group.
The inhabitants of Konstancin were, in particular, Stefan Zeromski and Vaclav Gonsorovsky (he was the mayor of Konstancin). Konstancin in the interwar period was advertised as a place for the elite of culture and art. The city was with sewerage, running water and electricity.
During the war, the Konstancin villas were occupied by the Germans; officers and the wounded remained here. In August 1944, the 5th district of the Home Army "Gontyn" operated in the area of Skolimova-Konstancin and neighboring Jezernaya. Here there were battles with the Germans, retreating after the clashes in Jeziorne.
In the post-war years, Konstancin was considered by the city authorities as a place of "deportation". Historic and beautiful villas have been covered by a "special lease regime" and are occupied by municipal tenants. Some of them still live in these houses, which are slowly falling into disrepair. In the area of the Royal Mountain, a closed residential area was created for party leaders.
After the war, in 1953, the capital's rehabilitation center was established under the direction of prof. Mariana Allan Weiss. The idea of the center was complex treatment, including the most severe cases, depriving patients of independence. It consisted not only in carrying out the necessary surgical interventions, but also in rehabilitation, orthopedic means, training in a new profession and independence in basic life functions. The object exists and works to this day. After political changes, the activities of the institution were significantly limited.
In the 1960s, brine deposits were discovered near the city.
Consolidation of cities:
In 1969, the administrative merger of Jeziornaya, Konstancin-Skolimova and several nearby villages (Klarishev and others) took place and a new urban formation of Konstancin-Jezerna was created. From the moment of its creation, the city belonged to the province of Warsaw, also after the reduction of its area in 1975-1998. After the re-establishment of the Piaseczno poviat on January 1, 1999, Konstancin-Jeziorna became part of it, and all together - in the Masovian Voivodeship.
In 1975 the city was awarded the Order of the Labor Banner of the 1st degree. In 1979, the brine cooling tower was launched.
With the advent of a building boom in the early years of the 21st century, the city was back in vogue with the construction of modern, private housing estates of apartment buildings, selling at high prices on the free market. At the same time, only a few historic villas are being restored, although many of them fall into disrepair, some are destroyed as a result of unauthorized construction or the negligence of the owners.
Many of the residents are representatives of the so-called "Warsaw elite" - artists, politicians, senior government officials, generals, businessmen, architects, lawyers, diplomats and doctors.
4. Infrastructure Konstancin-Jeziorna
Work is underway to cover the entire area of the city with a water supply and sewerage system. The city sewer system discharges wastewater to modernized treatment facilities, opened in 2015 with a capacity of 6,000 m³ per day.
The police station is located at St. Polna 4 in Jeziorne; The area of the city is divided into four districts served by a total of five precincts.
The headquarters of the city guard is located at st. Warszawska 32, in Jeziorna, next to the police station. Guards carry out foot, motorized and bicycle patrols.
Municipal divisions of the Volunteer Fire Brigade are located at st. Świetlicowa 1 in Jeziorna (OSP Jeziorna, part of KSRG) and on st. Pułaskiego 72 in Skolimov (TSO Skolimów, outside KSRG).
Night and festive medical care is provided, in particular: the hospital of prof. M. Weiss in Konstancin-Ezerna on the street. Wierzejewskiego 12 (in the building of the former trauma clinic).
The medical rescue teams are served by the Regional Ambulance and Ambulance Station "Meditrans" SP ZOZ in Warsaw, and there is a waiting station in Konstancin with the main brigade.
Since the city was created by combining several centers, it is urbanistically heterogeneous and scattered over a large area. Single-family buildings predominate, partly residential, the core of which is historical summer cottages and the urban concept of the early 20th century and the interwar period in Konstancin (the concept of the city was based on the concept of Grunewald Count Skurzhevsky), in Skolimov and Klarishevo. There is also urban type development (Jeziorna), industrial (areas to the east of Mirkowska Street in Mirkow, around Tysenklecia Street) and commercial and service type (areas along the road from Warsaw, the area of Voiska Polski Avenue).
After the war, multi-apartment housing estates Mirków and Hrapa were built here. In recent years, there have been many new investments, both in private and multi-family buildings.
5. Transport in Konstancin-Jeziorna
Public collective transport:
The city has a regular bus service to nearby Piaseczno, Gora Kalwaria and Warsaw operated by ZTM. From September 24, 2018, the entire commune of Konstancin-Jeziorna is located in the first ticket zone.
Here are the routes connecting Konstancin-Jeziorna with Warsaw:
line 139 connects Klarysew (stop near the Botanical Garden of the Polish Academy of Sciences) with Wilanowska metro station;
line 200 runs from Skolimov via Konstancin, Jezerna and Klaryszew to the Central Railway Station in Warsaw;
line 251 (route: Hrapa, Mirków, Jeziorna, Klarisev) via Wilanów to Wilanowska metro station;
line 710 (route: from the Kabaty metro station via Powsin, Klarishev, the center of Konstancin, Mirkow, Skolimov, Hilice, to the market in Piaseczno;
line 724 (route: Chylice, Skolimów C, Jeziorna, Klarysew) connects Piaseczno with the Warsaw metro at Kabaty station;
line 742 (route: Grapa, Jeziorna, Klaryszew) connects Kalwaria Mountain and Brzeście with the Kabata metro station.
night line N50, running from Friday to Saturday and from Saturday to Sunday along the route Skolimov, Konstancin (only in the direction of Skolimov), Hrapa (only in the direction of Skolimov), Mirkow (only in the direction of Skolimov), Jeziorna, Klaryszew to the Wilanowska metro station;
lines L14, L15, L16, L21, L28 and L42 provide communication within the commune, and lines L21 and L28 reach the ends of the Gura Kalwaria commune[65].
Road network:
Two provincial roads no. 724 (Warsaw - Góra Kalwaria) and no. 721 (Duchnów - Nadarzyn) intersect in the city.
Railway transport:
A non-electrified freight railway line runs through Jeziorna and Mirków, connecting Okęcie via Piaseczno with the Sekerska CHPP. Owned by PGNiG Termika. In 2023 and 2024, rail transportation for PGNiG Termika will be provided by CD Cargo Poland.
6. Culture in Konstancin-Jeziorna
Konstanciński Dom Kultury organizes events, concerts, performances and conducts cyclic music, dance, photography and other workshops. In February 2014, he received a loan from the commune authorities for a new place in the Hugonowka villa on Mostowa Street, which was rebuilt almost from scratch. KDK also operates from its headquarters in Mirkuva, as well as in suburban areas in community centers and art houses. Performances and concerts also take place during the summer in the amphitheater in Zdrojowy Park.
In addition to educational activities, the music school in Konstancin is actively involved in concert activities. Since 2008, she has been the organizer of the international music event EUROPEAN MUSIC MEETINGS - YOUTHFESTIVAL.
Konstancin-Jeziorna is bustling with life, and the rich calendar of cultural events is the best proof of this. Every year, residents and guests of the resort are attracted in large numbers by Festivals in Konstancin-Jeziorna:
Graduation Festival "Tower of Dreams"
Konstancin Days and Belle Epoque Retro Picnic (June)
Theater Sports Festival "321Impro"
Open Garden Festival (September)
Rafting Festival (on the spur of the Vistula in Gassi)
Fleece Festival - Uzhecha Culture Fair (May),
Summer art season (June–September),
Jazz Zdrój Festival (July),
Community Harvest Festival (September),
Film Festival "The World of Maklak and His Friends" (October),
Christmas market (December).
Art teams in Konstancin-Jeziorna:
Contemporary Dance Ensemble "Sonata" in the Municipal Sports and Recreation Center and Folk Song and Dance Ensemble "Psheperochka" in School Complex No. 2
Ensemble Kantata
Ensemble of folk song and dance "Lurzhichanki"
Folk Song Ensemble Jarzębina Czerwona
Family choir "Gospel Piast & Grapa"
Senior cantabile choir
Theater groups in Konstancin-Jeziorna:
Musical group Tugeder in the Constantine House of Culture
Impro Ab Ovo Theater at the Konstanchin Community Center
Theater troupe ad rem
Media in Konstancin-Jeziorna:
The city is covered in the following editions of the local press: Kurier Południowy, Nad Wisłą, Przegląd Piaseczyński. There is also a local Internet portal: Konstancin.com.
Villas and monuments in Konstancin-Jeziorna:
Konstancin-Jeziorna is full of monuments, historically important places and memorable places of the people who lived and worked here. The magnificent palaces and villas located in the vicinity of the Kurortny Park deserve attention. The most beautiful are: Kamilin (Pilsudski St. 42), Vulture (Sobieski St. 13), Hugonowka (Mostova St. 15), Shvaitsarka (Sienkevich St. 5), Natemi (Sienkevich St. 7), Moya (Sienkevich St. 7), 9), Izykhali (Sienkiewicz 15), Caprice (Batorego 15), Pallas Athena (Piast 32).
You should definitely visit Villa Sweet (Zeromski str., 4), where Stefan Zeromski lived and worked many years ago, and now there is a public museum of the writer and his family. In turn, in Villa la Fleur (ul. Szpitalna 14), visitors will find rich collections of paintings, sculptures and graphics by artists belonging to the famous Parisian school.
In Obory, not far from Konstancin, there is a magnate's palace - one of the few and most beautiful examples of preserved manor architecture in Mazovia. The uniqueness of the place is emphasized by a beautiful old park with unique trees and ponds surrounding the palace.
For history buffs, there is a search for traces of the Royal Paper Mill of the 18th century in Mirków Manor. It was on paper produced at the Konstancin factory that the documents of the Four-Year Sejm, the text of the Constitution of May 3 and the first printed Polish paper money were written.
While in this part of the city, it is also worth visiting the Museum of Polish Appliqués (Anna Valentynowicz str. 18), which displays a unique collection of appliqués.
Museums in Konstancin-Jeziorna:
Museum of fairy tales, fairy tales and fairy tales (ul. Diamentowa 8, Czarnow)
Paper Production Museum (Mirkovskaya St., 45)
Museum - House of Stefan Zeromski (Zeromski str., 4)
Villa la Fleur (14 Shpitalnaya St.)
Exhibition "Konstancin Kaleidoscope" in the KDK Hugonowka (ul. Mostova, 15) and the Virtual Museum of Konstancin
7. Education in Konstancin-Jeziorna
Education in Konstancin-Jeziorna is provided in local public and private kindergartens, as well as in several primary schools. At the post-primary level, only Szkół im works. W. S. Reymonta. Most students who continue their education in secondary schools go to Warsaw or Piaseczno.
There are also two music schools, non-state bilingual kindergartens.
8. Sports, active recreation and tourism in Konstancin-Jeziorna
The main sports institution is the Sports and Recreation Center. Sports facilities include GOSiR Sports Grounds (Poludnya St., Belyavska St.), a sports hall (Zheromsky St.), a rollerdrome (Slomchin). On the territory of the CCR on the street. Gąsiorowskiego, there is a public swimming pool with a sauna and a jacuzzi, the second pool (open at certain times) is located in the Mission Animation Center Fr. Pallottes. In the microdistrict Mirkow, on the square of st. Belavska, in the Zdrojowy park and on the playground on the street. Sobieskiego, outdoor gyms are available.
Football clubs:
KS Konstancin, formed from the merger of two old clubs in 2013: LKS Skra Konstancin and RKS Mirków 1923
Kosa-Konstancin Interscholastic Student Sports Club
RKS 1923 Mirków, reactivated 2020
Other sports clubs:
Integration sports club GTM Konstancin - wheelchair basketball team, wheelchair fencing team, wheelchair tennis team, swimming team.
Association of Physical Culture "Pahonia" Konstancin
Dance studio Egurrola in Stara Papiernia
Numerous sports events are sure to please every fan. Both amateurs and professionals can take part in the annual races dedicated to the memory of the famous inhabitants of the commune - Piotr Nurovsky (June) and Tomasz Hopfer (September) and the Honorary Citizen of Konstancin-Jeziorna - St. John Paul II (October).
In September, the Polish Cycling Marathon is held for fans of two-wheeled transport, which runs along the paths and forest channels of the Chojnowski Landscape Park. On November 11, on the occasion of the restoration of Poland's independence, the Independence Run and Historical Picnic are organized in Zdrojowy Park, which are a real history lesson for the whole family.
Konstancin-Jeziorna invites you to the Zdrojowy Park in winter for an ice skating rink (from the beginning of December to the end of February).
Konstantin-Ezerna is attractive at any time of the year. It is an ideal place for walks and long hikes. Walks in the Kurortny Park or along the Jezerka River should not cause any special difficulties even for the less experienced. You can also use prepared thematic walking routes. Among the natural routes, there are, for example, kayaking and birdwatching routes, and among the cultural ones, the Stefan Żeromski route.
There is also a path dedicated to the cinematic aspect of Constantine's reality. Scenes for many famous and popular films and series were filmed here. The network of cycle paths is also being consistently expanded. You can also admire nature while canoeing on the Jezerka River, starting from Zalesie-Dolna (14 km, about 3 hours) or Polek (7 km, about 1.5 hours). Numerous children's playgrounds and outdoor gyms are open all year round. Wakeboarding is also an interesting proposition. Private trails for practicing this sport operate in Konstancin-Jeziorne and Belava. The resort and its surroundings are also ideal for Nordic walking.
Hiking trails:
Green hiking trail - leads through the Royal Mountain, Nowe Wierzbno, the forests of the Chojnowski Landscape Park to the south. Near Čanów, it heads to Zalesie Gurne, through the Chojnowskie forests, Ustanovek to Zlotoklos. The length of the section Konstancin - Ustanovek is 16 km, the total route is 34 km.
The black tourist trail is a vicious circle through Konstancin, Oborskaya Pushcha, Skolimov, the promenade on the Ezerka River and the Kurortny Park. The length of the loop is 8.8 km.
Yellow hiking trail - leads through Konstancin, Oborsk forest, Lychin and Tsetsishev to the Vistula River. In the village of Dembovka, she heads towards Gura Kalvaria. The length of the section Konstancin - Slomchin - 6.5 km, Slomchin-Gura Kalvaria (bus station) - 12.5 km. Only 19 km.
The blue hiking trail leads from Ursynov, through Kabatskaya Pushcha, Konstancin (resort park), Obory (Manor in Obory), Lychinsky Olshinsky Reserve, Lychin, Oborskaya Pushcha. Near Charnov, she heads to Zalesie Gurne. The length of the section Kabaty - Konstancin is 9 km, and Konstancin - Zalesie Gurne (to the railway station) - 20.6 km. Only 29.6 km.
Hiking trail "In the footsteps of Stefan Żeromski" - a loop with a length of 10.5 km. Start at the intersection of St. Senkevich and st. Piłsudski, along the main alley through the Zdrojowy Park, along Jezerka to the street. Warsaw, next to the Imberfall Dam and the St. Jan River in an old paper mill. Below the cliff of the pre-glacial valley of the Vistula on the street. Writers through the reserve Lengy Oborski to the estate in Obory, through the reserve Skarpa Oborska, the cemetery of the First World War "Marynin" and Lychin. On the other side of st. Vilyanovskaya in the Oborsky Reserve in the Oborsky Forest, not far from the former huntsman's house and st. From Les u Zeromski's Eyes back to Konstancin. The path passes by the villa "Svit" on the street. Zeromsky, where Stefan Zeromsky lived.
The trail "To Skolimov" is a 7.5 km long loop. Starts at the intersection of St. Senkevich and Pilsudski. It passes through the streets of Senkevich, Zeromsky, Batoryogo, Peter Skarga, Piast, Sanatornaya, Granichnaya and Akacheva to the Skolimovsky cemetery, st. Chilitskaya and st. Rycherska to Jeziorka, along the river to Zdrojowy Park. There are many historical villas along the route.
Bicycle tourist routes:
The blue hiking trail leads from Ursynow to Guru Kalwaria and Czersk through the coastal regions of the Vistula. On the way, it passes through the center of Constantine. Route: Las Kabacki, Botanical Garden of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Konstancin, along the Jeziorka River to the Jan Paul II roundabout in Stara Paperna, Obory, Gozdzie, Tsetsishev. In the village of Dębovka, the trail goes beyond the territory of the Konstancin-Jeziorna commune.
The black hiking trail is a variant of the blue trail. At the manor in Obory, it turns right and passes through the Chojnowski Landscape Park, first through the Oborski Forest, then through the Chojnovskie Forests towards Zalesie Gurne. In the vicinity of Czarnowo, the trail leaves the region of the Konstancin-Jeziorna commune.
The yellow hiking trail is a variant of the black trail. It passes through the Oborsky forest along a different route than the black trail - it goes south to the vicinity of the village of Kavenchinek, and then through Borovina to Charnovo, where it rejoins the black trail.
9. Resort Konstancin-Jeziorna
Beginning of the summer resort:
Konstancin-Jeziorna has a very interesting history dating back to the end of the nineteenth century, when the Potulitzki family decided to create a garden city along the Jeziorka River. Count Vitold Skorzhevsky, who inherited these lands, named them after his mother Constance. Initially, the dacha was intended for wealthy merchants, industrialists and financiers, representatives of the wealthy Warsaw elite. Only the richest could afford to buy a plot and build a house, but over time, Konstantin began to attract less wealthy patients who used the numerous boarding houses under construction.
Often these were people of art, actors, writers, journalists - in a word, the cream of Warsaw society. Constantine, although it had the status of a summer resort, was a modern city. It had paved streets, running water, sewerage, electricity and a telephone line. Narrow-gauge railway tracks were brought to the center of the country resort. At the entrance to the park, a stylish station building was erected; a magnificent wooden casino with a cafe, restaurant, dance hall and living quarters is located in the park. The guests enjoyed the delights of swimming in the clear river, kayaking, tennis and horseback riding.
Konstancin has outstanding spa values due to the deposits of medicinal waters and the characteristic microclimate associated with the surrounding pine forest complexes. This is the only health resort in the Masovian Voivodeship in the immediate vicinity of Warsaw. The thermal mineral waters used in the brine cooling tower, opened in 1979, are extracted here.
Healing brine:
In the 1960s, deposits of healing brine were discovered in Konstantinje-Ezerne, which is still mined here. It is the Spa Park and the salt graduation tower in its center that have been attracting people from all over the country and even from abroad for many years.
The cooling tower is considered the heart of the Spa Park. This is one of several cooling towers in Poland, the second oldest and most recognizable after the tower in Czechocinek. It is supplied with brine from a nearby well. The air around the cooling tower creates a specific microclimate, similar to the climate near the sea.
In 1965, during geological drilling in Konstancin, at a depth of about 1600 m from the surface, rich deposits of sodium chloride, bromide, iodine and ferruginous brine were discovered. Konstantinskaya brine is a healing thermal water. Its current concentration is 7.5% and the outlet temperature is 29°C. Experts describe its qualitative composition as close to brine from the Sechotsin sources.
A visit to this huge inhaler is a real injection of energy for our body. Thanks to the trace elements and minerals contained in the soaring brine, you can easily and pleasantly take care of your respiratory system and immunity. Restore strength, calm the nerves.
The therapeutic effect of brine has a positive effect on the nervous system, the functioning of the endocrine glands, on metabolism and increases the overall immunity of the body. In combination with phytoncides - natural plant substances of a bactericidal or fungicidal nature - found in the local forest environment, brine inhalation improves the well-being and balance of the body.
Therapeutic and preventive indications:
chronic and recurrent inflammation of the respiratory system,
neurotic states,
prophylactically in people working in conditions of high dustiness and high temperatures,
tobacco smoking,
living in large urban agglomerations.
acute diseases with elevated body temperature,
insufficiency of the coronary arteries of the heart, especially in patients with low blood pressure,
condition after a recent myocardial infarction,
hypersensitivity to bromine, iodine or other ions contained in the brine,
In Konstancin-Jeziorna, there are highly specialized rehabilitation institutions known throughout Poland for people suffering from diseases of the musculoskeletal system, with physical disabilities and people with consequences of damage to the nervous system. These include, in particular: the Center for Comprehensive Rehabilitation and the Mazovian Rehabilitation Center "Stoker" named after. prof. Mariana Weiss. Konstancin-Jeziorne is also home to the Eva Park Life & Spa Hydrotherapy Centre, where guests can enjoy, among other things, wellness treatments, facial and body treatments, massages and salt baths.
10. Modernity and the future of Konstancin-Jeziorna
Konstancin-Jeziorna is constantly changing:
The changes and sustainable development of Konstancin-Jeziorna can be seen at every step, and they are confirmed by numerous multimillion-dollar investments made by both the Konstancin municipality and private investors in various parts of the city. Many villas delight with their views: Kamilin on the street. Yu. Pilsudskogo 42, Griffin on the street. J. Sobieskiego 13 and Hugonowka on the street. Mostova, 15, which, after many years of decay, finally acquired its former, pre-war splendor and began a completely new life as a place of integration of representatives of different generations of the commune.
In 2018, 120 years after its founding, Konstancin-Jeziorna received a worthy seat of local government and a place where residents can count on comprehensive services. Modern town hall on the street. Piaseczyńska 77 is a real architectural gem that never ceases to amaze and win the laurels of national competitions and plebiscites.
Own investments in municipal educational institutions are being consistently implemented. Nurseries and kindergartens: Multicolored Crayons, Lesna Chatka, Tencheve Preschool and Zeleny Zakontek are now modern facilities adapted to the needs of the youngest residents. Children and teenagers also study in comfortable conditions, which can boast of six comprehensive primary schools.
All facilities also have modern playgrounds. Konstancin-Jeziorna is also an environmentally friendly city. Every year, the length of new water supply and sewerage systems is increasing, and modernized water treatment facilities provide the highest standard and quality of water.
This is how history and modernity are intertwined in the only resort of the metropolitan agglomeration. Konstancin-Jeziorna is consistently an ideal place for both living and relaxing on the weekends.
Konstantin-Ezerna is open for investment. The greatest value for Konstancin-Jeziorna is the investment that gives post-industrial areas new functions, while caring for the history and DNA of the city.
Among the investment plans in Konstancin-Jeziorna:
Housing construction:
Start of construction of an apartment building with commercial premises VALOR KONSTANCIN by Real Invest
Construction of the multi-apartment residential building Konstancin Residence on Zgody Square (Plac Zgody)
Construction of the first stage of the complex (30 townhouses) Gaia Park - Physis Estate
Construction of a new residential complex of 6 buildings Composition Residence on Wilanowska Street
Construction of the GROEN residential complex from semi-detached single-family houses
Sale of land by a closed paper mill in Konstancin for a residential complex by the Finnish company Mesa Tissue
Construction of a residential building on the street. Warszawska 21
Construction of educational facilities:
Construction of a new two-storey school building (an extension of the American School of Warsaw) in Konstancin-Jeziorna
Construction of the kindergarten Leśna Chatka in Konstancin-Jeziorna
Expansion of school complex No. 1 with a sports hall and classrooms
Thermal modernization of the building of the School Complex No. 2 and the walls of the small gymnasium on the street. Żeromskiego 15
Renovation of the building of the School Complex No. 3 in Konstancin-Jeziorna
Expansion of the existing building and kindergarten along with the construction of a nursery
Gym in elementary school No. 5
Construction of healthcare facilities:
Construction of a two-storey hydrotherapy center (on the site of the Przy Źródle sanatorium)
Reconstruction of the rehabilitation department Konstancin-Jeziorna
Reconstruction of the premises of the day hospital of the Mazovian Rehabilitation Center "STOCER"
Construction of objects of trade and life:
Construction of a shopping center with an area of 10,000 m/2 in Konstancin-Jeziorna
Construction of the shopping center Quick Park Konstancin
Expansion of the Stara Papiernia shopping complex, which is located in the historical, post-industrial buildings of the Royal Park
Construction of public utilities:
Construction of the eastern bypass of Konstantin (creation of a new route of the regional road No. 724)
Construction of administrative and office buildings:
Modernization of the administrative building of the Agency of Material Reserves, Training and Conference Department
Construction of a new residence of Konstancin-Jeziornaya Town Hall (between Zheleznodorozhnaya and Pyasechinska streets)
Construction of an administrative and office building for the needs of the Municipal Management Company in Konstancin-Jeziorna
Construction of a four-story service and office complex "Factoria" in Kontancin-Jeziorne with an area of more than 2.3 thousand square meters
Construction of cultural and recreation facilities:
Revalorization and adaptation along with the expansion of the historical building "Hugonówka" for the Konstancin Community Center (House of Culture)
Reconstruction of the historical building of the villa "Griffin" and arrangement of the land plot
Construction of a unified network of cycling routes in the municipality of Konstancin-Jeziorna
Data on the development of Poland over the last 30 years (from 1990 to 2020)
Renting real estate in Warsaw. Analysis of rental income from residential property in Warsaw. The rental market during a pandemic