How many Poles live in rented apartments?
The share of people living in rented apartments in Poland is 12.8% (data for 2022). In 2021 it was 13.2%. This is a very low figure compared to other EU countries. The average for Europe is 31%, and in Germany and Austria half of the population lives in rented apartments - 53% and 49%, respectively. In Denmark - 40%.
The share of people living in rented apartments in Poland is 12.8% (data for 2022). In 2021 it was 13.2%. This is a very low figure compared to other EU countries. The average for Europe is 31%, and in Germany and Austria half of the population lives in rented apartments - 53% and 49%, respectively. In Denmark - 40%.
However, the result observed in Poland is typical for countries in Central and Eastern Europe, where the household model predominates. The highest proportion of the population living in their own property was recorded in Romania (95%), Slovakia (93%), Croatia (91%) and Hungary (90%).
Population share by property type (owners, renters) in Europe in 2022
The popularity of rental housing, for example, in Austria, Germany and Denmark is due, in particular, to the legal system in force in these countries, which effectively protects the interests of both tenants and landlords. The law, on the one hand, protects the interests of landlords, for example, in a situation where a tenant does not pay rent or destroys an apartment. On the other hand, the law also protects the interests of tenants by limiting situations in which a landlord can arbitrarily increase apartment rents and promotes a long-term contract model. As a result, not only do large portions of the population in these states live in rental apartments, but renting the same home for life is also a popular option.
In the EU in 2022, 52% of the population lived in houses, 47.5% in apartments, (0.5%) in other residential premises such as houseboats and caravans).
In Poland, 58.2% of the population lived in houses, 41.7% in apartments.
Ireland has the highest percentage of the population living in houses (89%), followed by the Netherlands (79%), Croatia and Belgium (both 77%).
The highest proportions of apartment living were recorded in Spain (66%), Latvia (65%), Germany (63%) and Estonia (61%).
Population share by property type (owners, renters) in Europe in 2022
Eurostat reports that the EU has an average of 1.6 rooms per person. Among member states, Malta had the highest rate (2.3 rooms per person), followed by Luxembourg (2.2 apartments), Belgium, Ireland and the Netherlands (all 2.1 apartments per person).
At the other end of the scale were Poland, Romania and Slovakia (all with 1.1 apartments), as well as Latvia and Croatia (both with an average of 1.2 apartments per person).
Mokotow. Microdistrict (obszar) „Wierzbno” (Wierzbno)
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