What utilities are provided to apartments in Poland?
Almost all apartments in Polish cities are provided with all types of utilities. The following requirements apply to them.
Almost all apartments in Polish cities are provided with all types of utilities. The following requirements apply to them.
Mieszkanie wyposażone w centralne ogrzewanie - the apartment is equipped with central heating
An apartment connected to a heat supply system (hot water, steam or hot air) from a central heat production source, i.e. CHP plant, boiler house of a residential complex or local boiler house in an apartment building. Central heating also includes electric floor heating.
An apartment that is supplied with heat from its own boiler room in an individual house is also considered to be equipped with central heating, as well as an apartment that has a floor-to-ceiling installation located in the apartment, including a heating device.
Mieszkanie wyposażone w ciepłą wodę - the apartment is equipped with hot water
An apartment to which hot water is supplied from a thermal power plant, a boiler house in a residential complex, or a local boiler house in an apartment building. This is also an apartment in which hot water is heated by internal devices, such as a gas water heater, electric boiler, boiler - connected to the water supply.
Mieszkanie wyposażone w ciepłą wodę dostarczaną z elektrociepłowni, ciepłowni lub kotłowni osiedlowej - the apartment is equipped with hot water supplied from a thermal power plant or a local boiler house
An apartment to which hot water is supplied from a thermal power plant or boiler house of a residential complex (house), i.e. is produced in one central heat source and distributed (to receiving devices located in the apartment) through equipment.
Mieszkanie wyposażone w gaz z sieci – the apartment is equipped with gas from the main network
An apartment with equipment (including receiving devices located in the apartment) supplying gas from active connections.
This also includes dwellings equipped with gas cylinders with a capacity of 11 kg or more, including “containers” with liquefied gas.
Mieszkanie wyposażone w instalacje sanitarno-techniczne - the apartment is equipped with plumbing fixtures
An apartment with at least one of the following sanitary facilities: running water, flush toilet, hot water, bathroom, central heating, mains gas.
Mieszkanie wyposażone w kanalizację - the apartment is equipped with sewerage
The apartment is equipped with a sewerage system (including bathrooms located inside the apartment) with wastewater discharge into the network sewerage system or into the local sewerage system (septic tanks, domestic wastewater treatment plants).
Mieszkanie wyposażone w kanalizację z sieci - the apartment is equipped with network sewerage
The apartment is equipped with a sewerage system (including bathrooms located inside the apartment) with wastewater drainage into the network sewerage system.
Mieszkanie wyposażone w łazienkę - the apartment is equipped with a bathroom
An apartment within which there is a room with a bathtub or shower, or both, as well as devices that discharge wastewater into the sewer system or local facilities (septic tanks, wastewater treatment plants).
Mieszkanie wyposażone w ustęp - the apartment is equipped with a toilet
An apartment with a bathroom inside, connected to the water supply and sewerage system, which discharges wastewater into the sewerage system or into local facilities (septic tanks, wastewater treatment plants).
English name: Dwelling equipped with flushable toilet Housing equipped with a flushable toilet.
Mieszkanie wyposażone w wodociąg - the apartment is equipped with running water
An apartment with running water inside. Water supply should be understood as water supply devices (including receiving devices located in the apartment) supplying water from the network (using active connections) from a street pipe or from local devices (own water intakes).
Mieszkanie wyposażone w wodociąg z sieci - the apartment is equipped with network water supply
An apartment with running water inside. Network water supply means water supply devices (including receiving devices located in the apartment) that supply water from the network (using active connections) from the street pipe.
Source of definition: General Statistical Office of Poland
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