Second-hand Apartment Prices: How Much Are Sellers Asking?
In December 2024, the average price of second-hand apartments in Warsaw reached nearly 18,300 PLN per square meter, while in Łódź, it was 8,600 PLN. Over the past year, second-hand apartment prices increased by 2.6% in Poznań and as much as 11.9% in the Katowice metropolitan area.
The portal, which analyzes the average listing prices of used apartments, reports that in Warsaw, second-hand properties were priced at an average of 18,300 PLN per square meter in December 2024, marking a 5% increase compared to December 2023. On a month-to-month basis (November/December 2024), the average prices of used apartments remained unchanged.
In 2025, developers may increase the supply of apartments, which could better meet the needs of average mortgage borrowers.
Over the year, new apartments saw the highest price increase in Wrocław, by 12%. The smallest increase was recorded in Warsaw, at 5%, according to preliminary data from BIG DATA
In Kraków, sellers offered apartments in December at an average of 17,400 PLN per square meter, a 0.4% increase compared to November and a 4.9% increase compared to December 2023.
In Wrocław, the average listing price of used apartments in December was 14,500 PLN per square meter, showing a symbolic 0.4% decrease from the previous month. From December 2023 to December 2024, prices in Wrocław’s secondary market increased by an average of 7.9%.
In Tricity, the average price of apartments fell by 0.4%, reaching 15,800 PLN per square meter. Over the year, Tricity’s secondary market properties increased in price by an average of 4.6%.
In Poznań, sellers were asking for an average of 11,600 PLN per square meter, marking a 2.1% decrease over the month but a 2.6% increase over the year.
Although average apartment prices in Poland are declining, there are cities where prices are already lower than a year ago. Compared to expensive Warsaw, Łódź remains an attractive option. reports that the average listing price per square meter of apartments in Łódź’s secondary market in December 2024 was 8,600 PLN.
Since November, the average prices of second-hand apartments in Łódź have remained stable, while compared to December 2023, they increased by 6.3%.
In the Katowice metropolitan area, the average prices of second-hand apartments rose by 11.9% over the year. However, since November, prices have slightly declined by 0.6%, reaching around 8,800 PLN per square meter.
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