Holidays in Poland in April 2024
March 31, Sunday – April 7, 2024, Sunday, moving dates from Easter to Divine Mercy Sunday. Octave of Easter (Oktawa Wielkanocna). An eight-day period combining Easter Sunday and the following Easter week until Divine Mercy Sunday.
March 31, Sunday – April 7, 2024, Sunday, moving dates from Easter to Divine Mercy Sunday. Octave of Easter (Oktawa Wielkanocna). An eight-day period combining Easter Sunday and the following Easter week until Divine Mercy Sunday.
April 1, Monday. Easter Monday (second day of Easter) - Poniedziałek Wielkanocny (Drugi dzień Wielkiej Nocy). Wet Monday or “smigus-dyngus”, śmigus-dyngus).
April 4, Thursday - Military Health Service Day (Święto Wojskowej Służby Zdrowia) in the Polish Armed Forces. Established by decision of the Minister of National Defense of Poland dated December 24, 2013 No. 432 On the establishment of military holidays and their celebration in the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland. Military holiday.
April 7, Sunday. Divine Mercy Sunday, Feast of Divine Mercy (Druga Niedziela Wielkanocna czyli Miłosierdzia Bożego). Celebrated on the 7th day after Easter, on the 2nd Sunday of Easter. The end of the celebration of Easter Divine Mercy Sunday, the feast of Divine Mercy - in the Catholic Church a holiday celebrated in honor of God's mercy (1st Sunday after Easter). Divine Mercy - in Christian theology - is the greatest of God's attributes, consisting of boundless kindness towards those in need.
April 13, Saturday - Day of Remembrance for the Victims of Katyn (Dzień Pamięci Ofiar Zbrodni Katyńskiej). Official holiday in Poland.
April 16, Tuesday - Engineering Troops Day (Święto Wojsk Inżynieryjnych) in the Polish Armed Forces. Established by decision of the Minister of National Defense of Poland dated December 24, 2013 No. 432 On the establishment of military holidays and their celebration in the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland. Military holiday.
April 23, Tuesday - Feast of St. Wojciech (Uroczystość św. Wojciecha), bishop and martyr, the main patron of Poland. Catholic permanent holiday
April 25, Thursday - Feast of St. Mark, the Evangelist (Święto św. Marka, ewangelisty). Catholic permanent holiday.
Long weekends in March - April 2024 in Poland
*(long weekend option with additional vacation): Saturday, March 30, 2024 – Sunday, April 7, 2024 (9 days off).
March 31, 2024, Sunday – first day of Easter (pierwszy dzień Wielkiej Nocy), day off. April 1, 2024, Monday, second day of Easter (drugi dzień Wielkiej Nocy), day off. If you take a 4-day vacation from April 2 to April 5, you get a 9-day holiday - from March 30 to April 7 inclusive (including the weekends of March 30, April 6 and 7).
Long weekends in April - May 2024 in Poland
*(long weekend option with additional vacation): Saturday, April 27, 2024 – Sunday, May 5, 2024 (9 days off).
May 1, Wednesday, holiday and day off - National Day (Święto Państwowe) or Labor Day (Święto Pracy). May 3 (Friday) - National Day of the Third of May (Święto Narodowe Trzeciego Maja) or Constitution Day (Święto Konstytucji 3 Maja).
If you take a vacation from April 29 to 30, as well as a vacation on May 2, you get a 9-day holiday - from April 27 to May 5 inclusive (including the weekends of April 27, 28 and May 4, 5).
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The city of Piaseczno has a rich history and many interesting natural monuments, which makes it very attractive for tourist trips and family vacations.