When will shops close in Poland in 2024?
In Poland, shops are closed on holidays and Sundays. Trading in them is prohibited by law. The only exceptions are a few Sundays a year, when all large stores are open and trading is allowed. These are the so-called trading Sundays. In 2024 there are only 7 of them - January 28, March 24, April 28, June 30, August 25, December 15, December 22.
In Poland, shops are closed on holidays and Sundays. Trading in them is prohibited by law. The only exceptions are a few Sundays a year, when all large stores are open and trading is allowed. These are the so-called trading Sundays. In 2024 there are only 7 of them - January 28, March 24, April 28, June 30, August 25, December 15, December 22.
January (Styczeń)
January 1 (Monday) is a holiday (New Year's Day (Nowy Rok), stores are closed;
January 6 (Saturday) - Epiphany holiday (Święto Trzech Króli), shops are closed;
January 7 (Sunday) – stores are closed;
January 14 (Sunday) - stores are closed;
January 21 (Sunday) - stores are closed;
January 28 (Sunday) – trading is allowed (trading Sunday).
February (Luty)
February 4 (Sunday) – stores are closed;
February 11 (Sunday) – stores are closed;
February 18 (Sunday) - stores are closed;
February 25 (Sunday) - stores are closed.
March (Marzec)
March 3 (Sunday) - stores are closed;
March 10 (Sunday) - stores are closed;
March 17 (Sunday) – stores are closed;
March 24 (Sunday) – trading is allowed (trading Sunday);
March 31 (Sunday) is a public holiday (the first day of Easter (pierwszy dzień Wielkiej Nocy), stores are closed.
April (Kwiecień)
April 1 (Monday) is a public holiday (the second day of Easter (drugi dzień Wielkiej Nocy), stores are closed;
April 7 (Sunday) – stores are closed;
April 14 (Sunday) – stores are closed;
April 21 (Sunday) – stores are closed;
April 28 (Sunday) – trading is allowed (trading Sunday).
May (Maj)
May 1 (Wednesday) is a holiday (National Day (Święto Państwowe) or Labor Day (Święto Pracy), shops are closed;
May 3 (Friday) is a holiday (National Day of the Third of May (Święto Narodowe Trzeciego Maja) or Constitution Day (Święto Konstytucji 3 Maja), shops are closed;
May 5 (Sunday) - stores are closed;
May 12 (Sunday) - stores are closed;
May 19 (Sunday) - holiday (first day of Pentecost (pierwszy dzień Zielonych Świątek), shops are closed;
May 26 (Sunday) - stores are closed;
May 30 (Thursday) is a holiday (Corpus Christi Day (dzień Bożego Ciała), stores are closed.
June (Czerwiec)
June 2 (Sunday) - stores are closed;
June 9 (Thursday) - stores are closed;
June 16 (Sunday) - stores are closed;
June 23 (Sunday) – stores are closed;
June 30 (Sunday) – trading is allowed (trading Sunday).
July (Lipiec)
July 7 (Sunday) – stores are closed;
July 14 (Sunday) – stores are closed;
July 21 (Sunday) – stores are closed;
July 28 (Sunday) – stores are closed.
August (Sierpień)
August 4 (Sunday) - stores are closed;
August 11 (Sunday) – stores are closed;
August 15 (Thursday) - holiday (Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Wniebowzięcie Najświętszej Maryi Panny), shops are closed;
August 18 (Sunday) - stores are closed;
August 25 (Sunday) – trading allowed (trading Sunday)
September (Wrzesień)
September 1 (Sunday) – stores are closed;
September 8 (Sunday) – stores are closed;
September 15 (Sunday) – stores are closed;
September 22 (Sunday) – stores are closed;
September 29 (Sunday) - stores are closed.
October (Październik)
October 6 (Sunday) – stores are closed;
October 13 (Sunday) – stores are closed;
October 20 (Sunday) – stores are closed;
October 27 (Sunday) – stores are closed.
November (Listopad)
November 1 (Friday) - holiday (November 1 (Friday) - All Saints' Day (Wszystkich Świętych), shops are closed;
November 3 (Sunday) – stores are closed;
November 10 (Sunday) – stores are closed;
November 11 (Monday) is a holiday (National Independence Day (Narodowe Święto Niepodległości) or simply Independence Day (Święto Niepodległości), shops are closed;
November 17 (Sunday) – stores are closed;
November 24 (Sunday) – stores are closed.
December (Grudzień)
December 1 (Sunday) – stores are closed;
December 8 (Sunday) – stores are closed;
December 25 (Wednesday) is a public holiday (the first day of Christmas (pierwszy dzień Bożego Narodzenia), stores are closed;
December 26 (Thursday) - holiday (second day of Christmas (drugi dzień Bożego Narodzenia), stores are closed;
December 29 (Sunday) – stores are closed.
Still, Poles will not go hungry on Sundays. The following shops and catering establishments are open on weekends in Poland:
Chain stores Żabka, Stokrotka Express, Delikatesy Centrum, Carrefour Express;
Station shops, florists and newsstands;
Gas stations;
Restaurants, bars, bakeries, pastry shops, cafes;
Food delivery services.
See other interesting articles about Poland and Polish real estate here: https://okeask.com/public/en/category/poleznaya-informaciya
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