How many people came from abroad to Warsaw
In 2021, 1,547 people arrived in Warsaw from abroad, and 300 people went abroad. Thus, over the year, Warsaw received 1,247 new residents due to foreign migration. In the overall migration balance of the city, the foreign balance amounted to 40%. That's quite a lot.
In 2021, 1,547 people arrived in Warsaw from abroad, and 300 people went abroad. Thus, over the year, Warsaw received 1,247 new residents due to foreign migration. In the overall migration balance of the city, the foreign balance amounted to 40%. That's quite a lot.
The largest number of new foreigners settled in the following areas: Mokotów - 256 people, Białołęka - 161, Wola - 132, Praga-Południe - 109 people. Every 6th person who came from abroad chose Mokotów as their place of residence.
The following areas were not particularly popular among foreigners: Wesoła, where only 7 people arrived from abroad, Rembertów - 13, Wawer - 32 people.
Of course, people left Warsaw to go abroad. Of these, as we have already said, there were only 300 people. The largest number of people left Mokotowa - 53 people, but this is not surprising, Mokotów is the largest urban area. Interestingly, there is no negative foreign migration balance in any district of Warsaw. This speaks to the attractiveness of the Polish capital for foreigners.
The largest positive balance of foreign arrivals/departures to Warsaw is among such areas as Białołęka, Mokotów, Wola, Ursus, Praga-Południe.
Table. Internal migration of the population for permanent residence to Warsaw in 2021
District |
Arrived from abroad |
Departed abroad |
Net migration | Warszawa |
1547 |
300 |
1247 |
Warsaw |
Bemowo |
61 |
14 |
47 |
Białołęka |
161 |
18 |
143 |
Bielany |
58 |
18 |
40 |
Mokotów |
256 |
53 |
203 |
Ochota |
92 |
19 |
73 |
Praga-Południe |
109 |
26 |
83 |
Praga-Północ |
29 |
11 |
18 |
Rembertów |
13 |
4 |
9 |
Śródmieście |
91 |
12 |
79 |
Targówek |
76 |
11 |
65 |
Ursus |
95 |
7 |
88 |
Ursynów |
97 |
31 |
66 |
Wawer |
32 |
9 |
23 |
Wesoła |
7 |
4 |
3 |
Wilanów |
75 |
13 |
62 |
Włochy |
89 |
11 |
78 |
Wola |
132 |
21 |
111 |
Żoliborz |
74 |
18 |
56 |
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