As you know, Warsaw consists of 18 districts (dzielnic), which, in turn, are divided into osiedle, which translates as microdistrict, residential area.
In Warsaw, there are two types of territorial division into microdistricts. The first one is based on the MSI Municipal Information System. We will tell about it. The MSI information system is administered by the Warsaw Municipal Road Administration. This system has more than 95 thousand elements and includes, in addition to the classification of microdistricts, all the information details related to the city: signs with street names, house numbers; shields with district boundaries; boards with information about people who gave names to streets and squares; information stands with plans and information about districts, neighborhoods, streets and routes.
Elements of the Municipal Information System cannot be associated with the names of residential microdistricts. There are discrepancies between the MSI division and the administrative division of the city, inconsistency with the territorial division of the city according to TERYT, inconsistencies in the location and names of places with names and historical boundaries.
The second type of territorial division of Warsaw is based on the National Official Register of Territorial Division of the country - the official register of territorial division of Poland TERYT. It is run by the Central Statistical Office. We will talk about it in another article.
So, into which microdistricts are the districts of Warsaw divided according to the MSI Municipal Information System (the text below the list indicates the features of this layout):
Warsaw - a total of 143 microdistricts.
District Bemowo (Dzielnice Bemowo)
Breakdown by MSI (10 neighborhoods):
Fort Bema
Fort Radiowo
Jelonki Północne
Jelonki Południowe
The Górce region is divided into Stare Górce in the west and Nowe Górce in the east. Stare Jelonki and Osiedle Przyjaźń are located in Jelonek Północnych. Karolin, Karolin, Na Wyraju and Mory are part of the MSI Chrzanów zone. In the area of Bemowo-Lotnisko a distinction is made between Nowe Bemowo and Stare Bemowo, commonly referred to as Bemowo.
District Bialolenka (Dzielnice Białołęka)
Breakdown by MSI (11 neighborhoods):
Białołęka Dworska
Dąbrówka Szlachecka
Nowodwory district includes Tarchomin Kościelny, Winnicę, Kępę Tarchomińską, Kalenicę and Buchnik. Buków became part of Dąbrówki Szlacheckiej. The Tarchomin area includes Nowy Tarchomin, Anecin and Nowe Świdry. The Henrykowa area was artificially enlarged - Płudy are located in the northern part of this microdistrict, and Wiśniewo - in the southern part. Żerań took over Stare Świdry, Piekiełko, Tarchomin Fabryczny, Żerań Wschodni, Annopol and Marcelin.
Białołęka Dworska includes Dąbrówkę Grzybowską in the south and Michałówek in the northeastern part. Szamocin is actually only the northern part of the so-called MSI area, Tomaszew is in the southern part. Within Kobiałki, which actually occupies only the northern part of the MSI territory, are Ruskowy Bród, Olesin, the western part of the village of Mańki-Wojdy (formerly Mańki), Augustówek and the eastern part of Maniek-Wojdów (formerly Wojdy).
The Grodzisk neighborhood also includes Kąty Grodziski, Lewandów and Augustów. Brzeziny are located in the northern part of the MSI district of the same name: in the west - Konstantynów, in the south - Aleksandrów, and in the center - Białołęka, also located in the area of today's Grodziska. The Białołęki section was produced using an unspecified system; holiday villages and districts were freely combined, and the place that gave the name to the entire MSI district, which was not always located in the center, was freely chosen.
Due to the characteristic duality of the area, one can single out the so-called Zieloną Białołękę - eastern districts with much less buildings than in the western part.
District Bielany (Dzielnice Bielany)
Breakdown by MSI (14 neighborhoods):
Las Bielański
Stare Bielany
Wólka Węglowa
Marymont is located within the boundaries of two districts Bielan and Żoliborza. The adjective "old" was added to the Bielanom proper to distinguish them from the name of the entire district (part of the Wawer district of the same name was left in the old Wawer form). The boundaries of Chomiczówki were set somewhat exaggeratedly and included Stary Wawrzyszew (between Conrada, Reymonta and Wólczyńską streets); in fact, Chomiczówka is located between Conrada, Wólczyńską and Księżycową streets.
District Mokotow (Dzielnice Mokotow)
Breakdown by MSI (12 neighborhoods):
Stary Mokotów
The current administrative boundaries of Mokotów are almost identical to those before World War II (since 1938). The microdistrict does not include Służewca Przemysłowego, and Stary Służew is located within the administrative boundaries of Ursynowa. Most of Służewca was marked as Służew. In addition, Mokotów is traditionally divided into Górny (Stary Mokotów, Wierzbno, Ksawerów, Wyględów, Służew, Służewiec, Służewiec Przemysłowy) and Dolny (Sielce, Czerniaków, Siekierki, Augustówka, Stegny, Sadyba). The border is the Warsaw Escarpment (Skarpa warszawska).
District Ochota (Dzielnice Ochota)
Breakdown by MSI (4 neighborhoods):
Stara Ochota
The division is correct, however, most of Pola Mokotowskiego is in Ochocie. Among many Warsaw residents, the Filtry area is controversial - it covers the territory of the Staszica colony, a fragment of the Lubeckiego colony, areas adjacent to the center and the Lindleya filters themselves.
District Prague-Poludne (Dzielnice Praga-Południe)
Breakdown by MSI (6 neighborhoods):
Olszynka Grochowska
Saska Kępa
The smaller paion Kępa Gocławska was within the borders of Saskiej Kępy. The eastern border of Grochowa was marked incorrectly - part of the district was marked as Gocławek, which actually starts near Olszynki Grochowskiej street. The MSI in Gocławek also includes Witolin, an integral part of Grochów. The Olszynka Grochowska microdistrict included Kozią Górkę (formerly Kozia Górka Grochowska).
District Prague-Polnoc (Dzielnice Praga-Północ)
Breakdown by MSI (4 neighborhoods):
Nowa Praga
Stara Praga
Pelcowizna is actually only the northern part of the MSI region of the same name, Śliwice is in the central part, and Golędzinów is in the southern part. In Szmulowiźnie, Michałów stands out next to the embankment and railway tracks.
District Rembertów (Dzielnice Rembertów)
Breakdown by MSI (3 neighborhoods):
Nowy Rembertów
Stary Rembertów
As part of the division, Kawęczyn and Wygodę were merged, in addition, within the boundaries of the microdistrict, there are: Czaplowiznę, Karolówkę (to the south of Magenty), the outskirts of Czwartaków and I. Paderewskiego, Magentę (at the turn of Czwartaków and alei Sztandarów streets), Mokry Ług (at the northern tip of Starego Rembertowa), Nową Wygodę, Zygmuntów, Kolonię Oficerską (at the corner of A. Chruściela „Montera” and alei Sztandarów streets)
District Śródmieście (Dzielnice Sródmieście)
Breakdown by MSI (8 neighborhoods):
Nowe Miasto
Stare Miasto
Śródmieście Północne
Śródmieście Południowe
Powiśle is divided into Mariensztat, Powiśle proper and Solec. Solec was singled out as part of the MSI, while Mariensztat remained within the borders of Powiśla. The Warsaw Legia Stadium is located within Ujazdowa, but in the minds of the fans it is located in Powiślu. In the Śródmieście area, places such as MDM (Marszałkowska Dzielnica Mieszkaniowa), residential complex Za Żelazna Bramą, the center or the Old Town (Starówka) function in everyday language and do not need to be revealed.
District Targówek (Dzielnice Targówek)
Breakdown by MSI (7 neighborhoods):
Targówek Fabryczny
Targówek Mieszkaniowy
Traditionally, the inhabitants of the area divide Targówek into: Targówek (actually, Targówek); Bródno, including Nowe Bródno and Stare Bródno (formerly the village of Bródno Stare), which have functioned in the minds of the inhabitants until now thanks to the markings on the maps; Zacisze, divided by the railway line into two parts of Elsnerów, which determined the dualism of development, so that Elsnerów near the street. Krzesiwa and Lewinów are considered an integral part of the Zacisze neighborhood; Targówek Fabryczny (Przemysłowy), which includes Utrata.
Lasek Bródnowski and the surrounding areas were included in the territory of MSI Bródno-Podgrodzie, the authors of the section did not decide to distinguish this area as a separate area (for example, as Las Kabacki). The former PGR-Bródno field was included in the Targówek boundaries. Part of the Zacisze neighborhood called Lewinowa was not included in the MSI division. The Praskiego area of the cemetery, which for many years was associated with Bródnem, was included in the artificial area Targówek Mieszkaniowy - the adjective should distinguish Targówek proper from the name of the area.
Artificial names and new divisions are slowly becoming popular, especially among younger generations and people from outside of Warsaw, especially as they are used in newly published maps and media.
District Ursus (Dzielnice Ursus)
Breakdown by MSI (5 neighborhoods):
District Ursynow (Dzielnice Ursynow)
Breakdown by MSI (14 neighborhoods):
Jeziorki Północne
Jeziorki Południowe
Skarpa Powsińska
Stary Służew
Stary Imielin
Teren Wydzielony Rezerwat „Las Kabacki”
Ursynów Północny
Today's Imielin consists of two MSI districts - Stary Imieli (entirely) and part of Ursynów-Centrum. Today's Kabaty also partially cover the territories belonging to the former farm and the village of Moczydło. Part of Wolicy and Wyżyny are within the borders of Natolina. On Skraju it was part of the Ursynów-Centrum; Jary and Stokłosy are located in Ursynów Północny.
Old Służew swallowed up Zakopane. Janówek, Łęczyca and Kierszek are located in the Skarpa Powsińska area. The western part of Dąbrówki, Karczunek, Dawidy Poduchowne and Jeziorki Nowe is in Jeziorkach Południowych. Jeziorki Północne has Dawidy, Jeziorki Polskie and Ludwinów. Krasnowola and Grabówek are located in the Grabów region in the west. The current boundaries of the Wyczółki district erroneously include parts of Służewca and Nowego Służewca.
District Wawer (Dzielnice Wawer)
Breakdown by MSI (12 neighborhoods):
Marysin Wawerski
The northern ledge of the Zerzeń district is Zastów, in the western part of Zbytki, in the south - Kuligów and part of Borkowa. Wiśniowa Góra is located in the northeastern part of the territory of MSI Międzylesie, in the Mazovian Landscape Park, Szelągowizna is located south of Wiśniowej Góry. Zbójna Góra is located in the northeastern part of the MSI Radość district, Nowy Miedzeszyn in the south and Zagóźdź in the west-south part. The western part of Falenicy is actually Błota, while in the northwestern part one can discern Zatrzebie.
Parts of Borkowa, Julianów, Skrzypki, Wólkę Zerzeńską and Miedzeszyn-Wieś were located in the new district of Nadwiśle. Anin is divided into Stary Anin and Nowy Anin. Within Miedzeszyna there was a small Elżbietówek. The biggest mistake is joining Starego Wawra to Marysina Wawerskiego. The inhabitants of Starego Wawra are constantly fighting to restore the historical name. The Wawer area violates the existing MSI rule that the name of the neighborhood must not be the same as the name of the administrative area, this area is often called Nowy Wawer, and this name seems to be correct. The MSI districts in Wawrze were defined by the then district council based on the subsidiary boundaries of the housing estate councils, without distinction between the Marysin Wawerski Północ and Marysin Wawerski Poludnie complexes on the north and south sides of ul. Korkowej.
District Wesola (Dzielnice Wesoła)
Breakdown by MSI (6 neighborhoods):
Plac Wojska Polskiego
Stara Miłosna
Wola Grzybowska
District Wilanow (Dzielnice Wilanow)
Breakdown by MSI (8 neighborhoods):
Wilanów Wysoki
Wilanów Niski
Wilanów Królewski
Błonia Wilanowskie
Kępa Zawadowska
The traditional division of Wilanowa is significantly different from the division of MSI, within the boundaries of the current Zawady district there are: Nadwilanówka, Nadwiślanka, Zawady właściwe, Bartyki. Within Powsina are: Zamość, Latoszki, Lisy, Kępa Latoszkowa. Within the boundaries of the newly created Błoń Wilanowskich (commonly called Pola Wilanowskie) are: Wolica and Natoliński Park. Morysin lies within the newly created Wilanowa Królewskiego. In addition, Wilanów Niski and Wilanów Wysoki were cut out of Wilanowa, which had not previously functioned.
District Wlochy (Dzielnice Włochy)
Breakdown by MSI (8 neighborhoods):
Nowe Włochy
Opacz Wielka
Stare Wlochy
Within the borders of Okęcia are Jadwisin and Zbarż. Gorzkiewki are included in the Paluch district. Budki Szczęśliwickie and Solipse stand out within Starych Włoch
District Wola (Dzielnice Wola)
Breakdown by MSI (8 neighborhoods):
The Moczydło park and the residential area of the same name were located within Koła. The area Lasek na Kole (similar to Laska Bródnowskiego) is not highlighted. The western part of Koła is historically called Ulrychów. In Ulrychowie (around ulic Pola, Jana Olbrachta) is part of Starych Jelonek, erroneously included in this area by MSI. The district name "Ulrychów" will not appear on maps until the MSI office in Warsaw is established. The part of Muranowa located within the Wola district was renamed Nowolipki. The Woli Właściwej district is also missing - the center of this district is located in the area of the Wolskiej, Kasprzaka and Towarowej triangle.
District Żoliborz (Dzielnice Żoliborz)
Breakdown by MSI (3 neighborhoods):
Stary Żoliborz
Sady Żoliborskie
Żoliborz Dziennikarski, Żoliborz Oficerski and Żoliborz Urzędniczy wchodzą are part of Starego Żoliborza. The adjective "old" was added to distinguish the MSI area from the district of which it is a part. Within Sadów Żoliborskich there is a fragment of northern Powązek, part of the so-called. Przemysłowego Żoliborza and residential area Zatrasie, located on the land of the former Burakowa and Powązek.
Is it worth selling your apartment and buying a new one now?
Mokotow. Microdistrict (obszar) „Wierzbno” (Wierzbno)