Neighborhoods of Białołęki:
Białołęka is one of the youngest districts in Warsaw considering the age of its inhabitants. About two-thirds of Białołęki residents live in multi-storey residential complexes. Nowodwory microdistrict has the largest number of inhabitants. From the south, Nowodwory adjoins Tarchominiu, the construction of which began in the 1970s. Both of these microdistricts occupy the territory between the Vistula River, the Modlińskiej axis and st. General Kuklinskiego. A lot of multi-apartment and row houses with related infrastructure are still being built here. More and more people live in apartment buildings in Żeraniu (near Portowej, Kasztanowej, Igrzyskowej and Krzyżówki streets) and in Marcelinie (Marywilska street).
Neighborhoods of individual houses occupy the northern and northeastern parts of the district (to the line of the Żerańskiego canal). Among them, the most densely built-up and populated are: Wiśniewo, Henryków, Choszczówka, Płudy and Białołęka Dworska, as well as Anecin, Winnica and Buchnik.
The districts of Kątów Grodziskich, Grodziska, Lewandowa, Białołęki, Mańków-Wojdów, Augustówka, Olesina, Kobiałki, Marcelina, Brzezin and Szamocina are less populated. This huge, beautifully located area, unique for Warsaw, is located in the north-eastern part of the district. It is granite with the reserve Łęgi Czarnej Strugi and is separated by a green waterway through the Zegrzyński reservoir and the Żerańskim canal. However, today these lands are increasingly being developed by developers of low-rise residential and commercial buildings. New apartment complexes are being built mainly in Kobiałce, Grodzisku and Lewandowie.
Many industrial and technical areas are located in the southwestern part of Białołęki, in the residential areas of Stare Świdry, Konstantynów, Różopol, Tarchomin, Annopol, Żerań and Żerań Wschodni. Here are the headquarters of Coca-Cola, the printing house AGORA SA, the Warsaw traffic junction (ul. Odlewnicza). In Żerania, on the other hand, there is Elektrociepłownia Żerań, the second largest in Warsaw in terms of heat generation.
Nature of Bialołęki
Rivers and canals in Białolęce:
Białołęka is located on the right bank of the Vistula River. The second largest watercourse is the Żerański canal, also known as the Królewski canal. This water route, which started in Warsaw (now in Białołęce), was laid out in the 16th century by Stefan Batory. On it it was possible to go through Zalew Zegrzyński, Narew and Biebrzę, to Niemna. The channel is a popular place for recreation, water sports and fishing.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the former Skurczę River was completely rebuilt and named the Henrykowski Canal. The source is located on the street. Kątskiego and ends its course, flowing into the Buchnik canal in Jabłonnie. In the eastern part of Białolenka, the two largest watercourses are the Bródnowski Canal and the Markowski Canal. The Bródnowski canal in the area has a length of about 3.6 km and flows into the Żerańskiego canal at the level of the Brzeziny residential area. It feeds mainly on rainwater.
There is also the former river Długa (Ząza), now called the Markowski Canal. In the 1970s, it flowed meanderingly, but now it is regulated.
Forests in Bialołęce:
The forest areas of Białołęki cover an area of more than 900 hectares. Most of them are state forests administered by the Jabłonna Forest Inspectorate. State forests are located mainly in Choszczówce and on the border with Jabłonna commune. These are forests with a predominance of pine and an admixture of birch.
A smaller area is occupied by municipal forests administered by the city. These include: Henryków forest (49.8 ha), Dąbrówka forest (27.29 ha), Białołęka forest (44.88 ha) and Żerańska dune (17.94 ha). Pine trees also predominate here, mainly from post-war plantings of coniferous forests. In Dąbrówce there are rare pine trees over a hundred years old.
The rest of the forests are owned by private owners or have an unregulated legal status.
Fauna in Bialołęce:
The animal world is most numerously represented by birds. Białołęce has the largest number of stork nests in Warsaw, located mainly in the eastern part of the district.
In addition, the area has a large population of bats. They can often be seen at the cemetery at st. Mehoffera, where specially prepared houses were installed.
In 2012, the first swift tower in Poland was built. These useful birds are protected in Poland. The tower is located on the playground on the street. Odkrytej and shape resemble the dynamic silhouette of a swift in flight.
Many protected animals are also observed in the area:
birds living near the water - mute swan, merganser, white-tailed eagle, gulls - black-headed, common, silver, yellow-footed, white-headed and saddle-headed.
birds that live mainly in forests - sparrowhawk, turtledove, lark, hairy buzzard, green and black woodpecker, hawk, yellow-crested crest and hoopoe - are a faunal rarity in the vicinity of Warsaw.
Mammals are dominated by: mice, squirrels, moles, hedgehogs, martens, foxes, hares, rabbits, roe deer, moose and wild boars. Beavers also made permanent nests, choosing the area near the Zheran Canal as their habitat.
Protected areas in Białołęce:
Since 1997, a protected landscape area has been established in Białołęce, which is part of the Warsaw Protected Landscape Area. A year later, on December 23, 1998, the territory of the islands and sandbars, as well as the Vistula river bed, called Ławice Kiełpińskie, was declared a nature reserve. Part of its area (88.26 ha) is located in Białołęce.
The forest dunes in Nowodworach and Tarchominie, as well as the buffer zone of the Czarnej Strugi nature reserve near the Olesin microdistrict, are under special protection.
There are natural monuments in the area, mainly oaks, which are found singly or in groups.
Agriculture in Białołęce:
There is a clear trend of transition from agricultural land use to residential construction. Soils in Białołęce are poor. Class IV and V lands predominate (80.5% of agricultural land) and class VI lands (10.8%). Lands of class II and III make up 8.7%. The land used for cultivation includes 6 plots with a total area of 65.7 ha.
Parks in Białolęce
Park Henrykowski:
The park owes its name to the Henryków microdistrict, not far from which it is located. The Henrykowski canal flows through the park, along which old trees have been preserved. The park was renovated in 2009. The most valuable trees have been preserved in the park, shrubs and ornamental trees, such as magnolias, have been planted. Thanks to the selection of species that bloom at different times of the year, the park encourages walks at different times of the year.
The entrance to the park surprises with its interesting shape. Each entrance is shaped like a semi-circular square with a bench, basket and bike racks. In side streets from St. Dziatwy has metal pergolas along which vines are planted, giving shade in the summer. The park is lit, so you can walk after dark. Sports enthusiasts can play on two artificial turf fields. Most of them are equipped with goals that allow you to play football. On the smaller court you can play basketball, volleyball or tennis. There is also a health track. There is also a dog run in the park. The park's newest attraction is the Water Playground. The water platform consists of a shallow pool and various water spray devices. Works during the summer season.
Picassa Park:
It was founded in 1998 on an area of about 3 hectares along the flood bank of the Vistula. The park has a leisure and recreational character. It is equipped with a fenced playground, volleyball, basketball and tennis courts. The vegetation of the park is old-growth forests of white poplar and Canadian poplar enriched with ornamental shrubs and perennials. Plants are arranged so that they bloom in different seasons of the year.
Park Strumykowa:
The park was founded in 2007. The park is located on Strumykowej street. It has a landscape character. It has preserved natural meadow lands and pine, oak and birch groves. There is a walking and entertainment area with gravel alleys and benches. A fenced playground has been created for the youngest, and a multifunctional sports ground (basketball, volleyball) and a health trail for young people.
Park Ceramiczna:
This is the youngest park in the area (founded in 2010). The park is located between Ceramiczną and Milenijną streets. The natural vegetation has been preserved and new trees have been added to isolate the park from surrounding residential areas. In addition, shrubs, perennials and lianas are planted. The park has a playground with carousels, swings, a trampoline, a rope, as well as a mini-cycle route for learning to ride a bike. There is a skateboarding route and an outdoor gym for teenagers. There are also tables for chess, table football, ping-pong and petanque.
Recreation and sports areas in Białołęce:
Recreation and sports area on the street Ruskowy Brod (Bociani zakątek):
In Bocianim Zakątku everyone will find something for themselves. For children there are themed playgrounds, divided into age groups. Next to the playgrounds, there is a health trail in the forest, where you can check your fitness or exercise your muscles in the outdoor gym. Young people can play ping-pong, work out in the large skate park and play team games on the multi-functional playground. Those who prefer the outdoors can practice tai chi or yoga in the walking meadow.
Recreation and sports area on the street Magicznej (Magiczny Park):
The nature and facilities of this area were determined during a public consultation in 2012. Here were built: a bike park and a skate park, a multifunctional sports ground, playgrounds for children of all ages, an outdoor gym, ping-pong tables, benches with chess tables, barbecues. There are also bike stands, walking paths and a green grass picnic area. In addition, an Ethnographic Corner was built, where in the future master classes will be held for children from local schools about the culture and traditions of the Mazovian region.
The surroundings of the "park" are natural greenery, inside the "park" new trees and shrubs are planted, separating its individual parts.
Recreation and sports area on the street Truskawkowej:
The territory is divided into play areas for children 1-6 years old, 6-8 years old and over 8 years old. The little ones can have fun on the swings, rocking chairs, multifunction device and sandbox. For older children there is a rope park, a climbing tower and parkour. Tic-tac-toe and UFO arcade game can also be played. All devices are placed on sandy surfaces.
In the sports and fitness area, you can work on your figure in the outdoor gym. There are, for example, a bicycle, a twister, a stepper, a horizontal bar and devices for training the muscles of the abdomen and thighs. Nearby, on the court, you can play basketball or play a table tennis tournament on ping-pong tables.
The recreational area has board game tables, banquet tables and outdoor grills. New trees and shrubs have been planted, benches and trash cans have been installed, and the entire area is fenced.
Sports and recreation area on the street Długorzecznej:
At the entrance to the park, both young and old visitors will find a monidło board with a Mermaid. This is a great opportunity to take pictures with family and friends.
At the first stage, two playgrounds were built - for kids and pensioners, as well as a skate park for teenagers. The playground for children is fenced. Children can ride the swan and zebra rocking chairs, bake cupcakes or build castles in the sandbox, and play on the playground. Little travelers will also love the toy boat, which they can take on the journey of their dreams.
Older kids won't be bored either. On the second playground, they can enjoy two types of swings, including a crow's nest, a tube slide with a tower and a hammock, a surfboard, a pyramid-shaped cable car with climbing panels and seats, and jumping trampolines. Under all toys, a safe surface is arranged that will absorb possible falls.
Young people can practice tricks on scooters, skateboards and BMX at the skatepark. Syrenki Park has a funbox with a grindbox and railing, a quarterpipe and a number of ramps. The surface of the skatepark is concrete and the equipment is made of weather resistant materials.
For young mothers who go for a walk with their children, a gazebo has been installed where you can sit, feed and change the baby. Długorzecznej Street also has benches, tables and rubbish bins.
At the next stage, it is planned to build a multifunctional sports ground, a beach volleyball court and a bike path.
Sports and recreation area on the street Kupieckiej:
The sports and recreation area under construction includes: a fenced playground, an outdoor gym and a multifunctional sports ground.
There is a sandbox on the playground. Toddlers can also have fun on the colorful multi-functional complex, swings and swings and jump on the trampoline. A little older people will like outdoor games, such as table football and chess. On Kupieckiej Street, you can also work on your shape and silhouette on devices in the open-air gym. The attractions are complemented by a multifunctional sports ground with polyurethane coating, where you can play football, volleyball and basketball.
The area is also an oasis for residents looking to escape the hustle and bustle of the city. Here, the existing forest stand was preserved, but new plantings were also made, which create a natural row and separate the territory from the street.
Recreation area on the street Polnych Kwiatow:
The recreation area is fenced, a gate with technical gates leads inside to the entrance area. For children, there is a large play set with a safe surface in the form of an overgrown rug. Older ones will appreciate the table football, hammock and outdoor gym with seven machines. A gravel ring road is marked around the devices. You can relax on the benches. There are also litter bins and dog waste, bike racks. Ornamental shrubs were planted throughout the area.
Recreation area Ogrody Mehoffera:
Open area with gravel paths and concrete pavement. There are sun loungers, benches with backs, concrete benches with game boards, an outdoor library, an information board, trash cans, bike racks, and an insect hotel.
Recreation and sports area on the street Książkowej:
In the area of st. Książkowej, between st. Odkryta and st. Światowida, a green area for recreation and sports was created. Trees and other greenery were planted, walking alleys with benches and urns were created. There are bike racks for cyclists. Here you can use outdoor fitness equipment and play table football. On the other hand, the playground has swings, rocking chairs, a play complex with a slide and a climbing wall, and a sandbox. The area is fenced and lit.
Recreation area on the stree. Myśliborskiej:
The zone is divided into sections for younger and older children. Among the attractions there are various toys, such as rocking chairs, swings, carousels, a sandbox, a train with a trailer, a set for kids with a slide, as well as a trampoline and an attractive swing with a "stork's nest".
Climbing enthusiasts will certainly enjoy a large fitness set consisting of various climbing devices, older children can ride a unique swing that has not been seen in Bialolenka yet - a "mega swing" 4.5 m high!
For fans of the competition, a ping-pong table and chess tables have been prepared.
Under the devices there is a specially prepared ecological surface that absorbs falls - it is made of technologically softened wood chips.
The territory has been landscaped and landscaped - trees and shrubs have been planted, benches have been installed, as well as picnic benches, garbage bins and bicycle racks. The territory is fenced and equipped with a gate.
Beach on Północnym bridge:
The beach was founded in 2014 at the bridge of Maria Skłodowska-Curie. In addition to the "sea" of sand, residents have at their disposal a beach volleyball court and a children's playground. Barbecue areas have also been allocated.
In subsequent years, the beach was equipped with new benches, concrete deck chairs, bike racks, grills, trash cans and playgrounds, including an outdoor outdoor gym.
Beach on st. Aluzyjnej:
In 2019, a recreation area was created on the banks of the Vistula. Residents have at their disposal a natural playground in the shape of a ship's hull, a beach volleyball court, hammocks, a willow picnic pavilion and 3 camping tables with fireplaces.
Sports in Białołęce
Białołęcki Sports Center (Białołęcki Ośrodek Sportu) includes sports facilities at the following addresses:
1. Światowida 56
Here are:
Indoor pool
Tennis court
Multifunctional sports ground
tennis wall
Football field
2. Strumykowa street 21
Here are:
Football field
Teqball Zone
Athletics springboard
Sports treadmill
Biological regeneration
Beach volleyball courts
3. Krzyżówki st. 22
Here are:
Multifunctional sports ground
Orlik football field
4. Van Gogha street 1A
Basketball court
Multifunctional sports ground 1
Multifunctional sports ground 2
training area
Football field Mermaid V
Education in Białołęce
Educational institutions are widely represented in Białołęce. Among them - nurseries, kindergartens, schools, primary and secondary. There are 4 nurseries, 54 kindergartens (of which 26 are private), 19 public primary schools, 2 public secondary schools (CV Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Zbigniewa Herberta and CLXV Liceum Ogólnokształcące) in the district
Medicine in Białołęce
Night medical care in Białołęce is provided at the polyclinic at ul. Milenijnej, 4 daily from 20.00 to 08.00 by phone: 22 22 519 33 41.
Culture in Białołęce
Bialoleńsk Cultural Center (Białołęcki Ośrodek Kultury):
The Bialolenti Cultural Center is a place that has been fulfilling the needs of the inhabitants of the region in the field of culture for more than 25 years. The Bialolenti Cultural Center has two modern stages.
Musical events with the participation of the biggest stars, theatrical performances, film screenings, educational projects and regular series are the strengths of the BCC repertoire, thanks to which the club's audience is constantly expanding. The famous Bialoleński Jazz Evenings are held here.
Whole families can find interesting and attractive offers in the center's repertoire. Among them are the Kulturaki family festival, the Circus Summer open-air project, the Space Picnic, the Chitamisie family workshops, or the Fairytale Journeys series.
The offer of educational classes and master classes is expanding. Children, teenagers, adults and the elderly have the opportunity to develop their hobbies here. Ballet, acrobatics, theater and vocal groups, meditation in motion, Japanese.
Van Gogh Street 1 houses the first chamber cinema Kino na Side in Bialolenk. It is a meeting place for great films, a space for the development of good cinematographers, as well as entertainment at the highest level for the whole family. Since September 2021, Kino Głębocka 66 is also open - a cinema without ads, for parents, with matinees for children, offering meetings with interesting people from the world of cinema.
Within the framework of the “Implement Your Idea in the BCC” competition, the BCC supports the initiatives of the broad masses, looks for local leaders with interesting ideas and invites them to cooperate – this is how several dozens of creatively and socially engaged projects were created. As part of the Białołęka Kulturalna festival, the center promotes the activities of local artists, provides an opportunity to present their work on a larger scale, thus revealing the artistic potential of the area.
Białołęki Library:
There is a public library in the Białołęka district (Biblioteka Publiczna w Dzielnicy Białołęka). It consists of 10 different library institutions.
The library includes four branches:
Library for Children and Youth No. IV,
Scientific Reading Room No. XX,
Subscription for adults and youth No. 42,
and six branches:
Subscription for adults and youth No. 46,
Multimedia Library for Children and Youth No. LVI "Nautilus",
Subscription for adults and youth No. 58,
Subscription for adults and youth No. 69,
Subscription for adults and youth No. 88.
Subscription for adults and children No. 124 Zelena
Public order in Białołęce
Warsaw police station Białołęka:
03-185 Warsaw, st. Mysliborska 65
work phone: 47 723-53-25
duty phone: 47 723-51-30, 47 723-51-31,
City Guard of the Capital City of Warsaw (Straż Miejska Warszawy):
Free emergency number: 986
In the district of Białołęka, the statutory tasks are carried out by employees of the II Department of Municipal Affairs (school patrols, preventive and operational patrols, district inspectors, prevention coordinator), which is part of the VI Regional City Guard Department of the Capital City of Warsaw.
VI regional department (VI Oddział Terenowy)
City Guard of the Capital City of Warsaw
03-490 Warsaw, st. J. Mlota 3
phone: (+48) 22 741 27 72 to the secretariat of the VI regional branch (8:00-16:00)
II Department of Municipal Affairs (Referat ds. Komunalnych II)
st. Marywilska 44 (corner of Kupieckiej street)
phone: (+48) 22 887 16 40
Guardsmen working in the II Department of Municipal Affairs operate only in the administrative zone of the Białołęka district of the capital city of Warsaw. They carry out official tasks and requests from residents in cooperation with the main departments of the district administration, the police and the Office of Security and Crisis Management of the City of Warsaw in the Białołęka district.
Reception of residents is carried out from Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 20:00.
Guards Service Areas II Department of Municipal Affairs6
Plot I
Plot boundaries: from the border with Jabłonna commune along Stasinek, Obrębowa, Chlubna streets to Białołęckiej street. From the south of Cieślewskich, Zegarynki, Żyrardowska, Majorki, Bohaterów, Klasyków, Modlińska, Mehoffera streets towards Wisły.
District II
Site boundaries: from the Wisły River along Mehoffera, Modlińska, Klasyków, Bohaterów, Majorki, Żyrardowska, Zegarynki, Cieślewskich streets to Białołęckiej. On the south side of st. Białołęckiej and Artyleryjskiej towards Wisły.
District III
Plot boundaries: from st. Białołęckiej, ul. Frachtowa, Olesin, Kroczewska, Berensona, Geodezyjna, Artyleryjska in the direction of Wisły to st. Białołęckiej.
Tasks of municipal security:
maintaining peace and order in public places,
ensuring order and control of traffic within the limits established by the rules of the road,
interaction with relevant entities in the field of saving the life and health of citizens, assistance in eliminating technical accidents and the consequences of natural disasters and other local threats,
secure the scene of a crime, catastrophe or other similar event, or places at risk of such an event, from access by third parties or the destruction of traces and evidence before the arrival of the relevant services, as well as to identify, if possible, witnesses to the incident, event,
protection of public utilities and utilities,
interaction with organizers and other services for the protection of order during mass meetings and events,
delivery of persons in a state of alcoholic intoxication to a sobering-up station or to their place of residence, if these persons by their behavior cause a scandal in a public place, are in circumstances that threaten their life or health or threaten the life and health of other persons,
informing the local community about the state and types of threats, as well as initiating and participating in activities aimed at preventing the commission of crimes and offenses, as well as criminogenic phenomena and cooperation in this regard with state authorities, local authorities and public organizations,
escort of documents, valuables or monetary values for the needs of the commune.
Guards have the right to:
legitimation of persons in order to establish their identity,
the imposition of fines in proceedings for fines for misdemeanors,
give instructions
detention of persons posing a direct threat to human life and health or property,
carrying out inspections, filing petitions for punishment in municipal courts and filing appeals,
removing vehicles and blocking the wheels of vehicles,
issuing commands,
observation and recording with the help of technical means of image of events in public places.
How many apartments were put into operation in the third quarter in Poland