What neighboring places and objects reduce the value of real estate?
Before you decide to build or buy a house (land) in a certain place, check whether there are problem areas and objects in the area that constitute an undesirable neighborhood. When looking for the ideal investment location, consider the possible impacts of road, rail and aviation infrastructure, i.e. disturbances caused by excessive noise and air pollution. Find out if there are industrial plants, wind farms and high-voltage energy equipment nearby that will significantly reduce your living comfort and reduce property values.
Before you decide to build or buy a house (land) in a certain place, check whether there are problem areas and objects in the area that constitute an undesirable neighborhood. When looking for the ideal investment location, consider the possible impacts of road, rail and aviation infrastructure, i.e. disturbances caused by excessive noise and air pollution. Find out if there are industrial plants, wind farms and high-voltage energy equipment nearby that will significantly reduce your living comfort and reduce property values.
In search of an answer to the question “what to look for when buying a plot/house?” the problem of unwanted proximity is usually overlooked. This is completely wrong!
Neighborhood analysis requires analysis of not only the investor’s site, but also the surrounding area within a radius of at least 300 m from the boundaries of the property. It is assumed that a shorter distance from problem objects may have a negative impact on both the comfort of residents and the value of real estate. Therefore, at the planning stage of purchasing a plot/house, it is worth checking whether there are any potentially problematic objects in the area.
Unwanted proximity are potentially unpleasant devices or objects that cause:
excessive noise
air pollution and/or constant or intermittent unpleasant odors,
significant shading
noticeable vibrations
negative viewing qualities,
water pollution,
increased risk of fire or chemical poisoning,
traffic jams,
significant radiation.
What potentially problematic properties reduce property values and quality of life?
When identifying potential problem properties in the surrounding area, you should analyze construction investments that may have a particularly negative impact on the property. The list of these objects is presented in the Decree of the Minister of Development, Labor and Technology of July 27, 2021 on the database of topographic objects and the database of general geographical objects, as well as standard cartographic research (Legislative Journal 2021, position 1412) - w sprawie bazy danych obiektów topograficznych oraz bazy danych obiektów ogólnogeograficznych, a także standardowych opracowań kartograficznych (Dz.U. 2021 poz. 1412).
In accordance with Appendix No. 1 to this resolution, undesirable objects in the neighborhood are divided into 10 groups:
industrial-economic complex - industrial enterprise, fuel base, thermal station, power plant, gas plant, breeding farm, metallurgical plant, mine, sewage treatment facilities, electrical substation, pumping station, oil refinery, landfill, water intake area, metallurgical plant, production, service or repair facility, recycling plant, hydraulic structures;
high technical buildings - lighting mast, water tower, cooling towers, industrial chimney, telecommunications mast, wind turbine, energy mast, mine pile driver, telecommunications tower;
technical reservoir – settling tank, tank;
other technical devices - transformer, water intake, radar, beacon, oil well, gas well, fuel filling station, set of equipment for a meteorological station, set of equipment for a crude oil or petroleum products terminal, car wash;
transport complex - airport, landing site, gas station, railway station, helipad, runway,
freeway and expressway;
railway and tram tracks - railway tracks, metro, tram tracks;
high-voltage power line - the highest voltage power line, high voltage power line;
pipeline – gasoline, heat and power, gas, sewer, oil, water supply, other;
other land use complexes - military training ground.
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