The cost of buying an apartment in Warsaw Poland
All expenses for the purchase of real estate in Poland can be divided into the following categories:
1. notary fees and payment of purchase tax in the amount of 2% of the value of the apartment
For example, let's take a specific apartment worth PLN 360,000.
Expenses (PLN):
450 - payment to the court for entry into the register,
900 - notary fee for services,
7200 - purchase tax,
246 - application fee,
notarial records - PLN 6 page - about PLN 200 - 300,
VAT - 207,
Total: PLN 9200 - 9300.
In Polish:
opłata sądowa prawdopodobnie 450 zł
taksa notarialna od umowy sprzedaży 900 zł
podatek od czynności cywilnoprawnych od umowy sprzedaży 7200 zł
opłata za wniosek 246 zł
wypisy i odpisy 6zł/str+VAT około 200-300 zł
VAT 207 zł
2. Translation services
In Warsaw, sworn translators charge from PLN 150 per hour when working with a notary. The price can be for leaving for a deal, for example, 300 PLN. It's better to negotiate the price right away.
3. Real estate agency commission
You can contact me by phone +48 574 672 833 (Viber, WhatsApp) so that I send and show you those options that meet your criteria. The commission can be discussed at a specific object.
The following figures are correct if you buy an apartment on the secondary market.
If you purchase an apartment at the construction stage or in the primary market, but under the so-called "cession agreement" (umowa cesji) - 1%, that is, the previous owner did not re-register the apartment as a property, then you do not pay a 2% tax.
If you buy a house, land or apartment for which you need to obtain a purchase permit, then this entails additional costs.
Frequently asked Questions
Is it possible to underestimate the official cost of an apartment, as, for example, they do in Ukraine?
- No. Even if you do this, the Polish tax authorities have the legal right to review the cost of the apartment and charge you tax.
Can I pay for an apartment in dollars?
- Yes, you can, if the owner agrees. Only cashless.
For any questions, please feel free to ask questions.
Call: +48 574 672 833 (WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram)
Costs for buying an apartment in Poland Warsaw All costs for purchasing real estate in Poland can be divided into the following categories:
Pruszków - a city in Poland, located in the Masovian Voivodeship, the center of the Pruszkowskiego district, on the river Utratą. Pruszków is part of the Warsaw agglomeration.