Holidays in Poland in February 2024
February 1, Thursday (first Thursday of February) - World Election Day (Światowy Dzień Wyborów), International holiday. It symbolizes the right of citizens to participate in elections and respect for democratic rights and freedom.
February 1, Thursday (first Thursday of February) - World Election Day (Światowy Dzień Wyborów), International holiday. It symbolizes the right of citizens to participate in elections and respect for democratic rights and freedom.
Thursday, February 1st – Chewing Gum Day (Dzień Gumy do Żucia) in Poland. International Chewing Gum Day is celebrated on September 23, 1848, the date the first chewing gum was made.
Thursday 1 February - Palm Oil Free Day (Dzień bez oleju palmowego) in Poland
February 2, Friday (40th day from the Nativity of Jesus) - the feast of the Presentation of the Lord (Święto ofiarowania Pańskiego (Ofiarowanie Pańskie, Matki Boskiej Gromnicznej). A Catholic immutable holiday. It ends the traditional period of celebration associated with the Nativity of Christ. This is a day whose celebration should commemorate the sacrifice of Jesus in the temple by Mary and Joseph forty days after his birth. This tradition arose in connection with the biblical Egyptian plague, sent by God, when only the firstborn sons of Hebrews survived. This fact was believed to signify their belonging to the Creator, so children were brought to temple and laid on the hands of the priest.Then it was necessary to ransom the child for a symbolic sum.
Friday 2 February – World Day of Consecrated Life, World Day of Prayer for the Holiness of Religious and All Devoted to God (Światowy Dzień Życia Konsekrowanego). Catholic holiday in Poland, takes place on the feast of the Presentation of the Lord in the Catholic Church. On this day they pray for those who have dedicated their lives to serving God.
Friday 2 February - World Wetlands Day (Wetlands Day) - Światowy Dzień Mokradeł (Dzień Bagna). International holiday. Dedicated to the signing of the Ramsar Convention.
Friday 2 February - Trade Worker's Day (Dzień Pracownika Handlu, Dzień Handlowca), an unofficial holiday in Poland. Previously celebrated on the first Sunday after January 29.
February 2, Friday - Day of Positive Thinking (Dzień Pozytywnego Myślenia), an unusual holiday in Poland.
February 2, Friday – Bear Day (Dzień Niedźwiedzia), an unusual holiday in Poland, a pagan holiday.
February 3, Saturday - Carrot Cake Day, Carrot Pie Day (Dzień Ciasta Marchewkowego), an unusual holiday in Poland
Sunday 4 February - World Butchers and Meat Industry Day (Światowy Dzień Rzeźnika i Przemysłu Wędliniarskiego)
Sunday 4 February - World Cancer Day (Dzień Walki z Rakiem)
Monday 5 February - World Nutella Day (Światowy Dzień Nutelli)
Tuesday 6 February - International Day of Zero Tolerance towards Female Genital Mutilation
Tuesday 6 February - International Bartender Day (Międzynarodowy Dzień Barmana)
Wednesday 7 February - Day of the Supreme Audit Office, Day of the Supreme Audit Office (Dzień Najwyższej Izby Kontroli), an unofficial holiday in Poland. The Supreme Audit Office was created in accordance with the decree of the head of Poland on February 7, 1919.
Thursday 8 February - Penitentiary Service Day - Penal Service Day (Święto Służby Więziennej), an official holiday in Poland. On February 8, 1919, the Polish prison system was founded.
February 8, Thursday (last Thursday before Lent) - Fat Thursday (Tłusty czwartek). National holiday. It is celebrated 52 days before Catholic Easter and precedes Lent. In Poland, Meat Empty begins on Fat Thursday. In Myasopust or Zapusty (Mięsopust, Zapusty) there are balls and parties. At this time, donuts with various fillings are eaten.
Friday 9 February - International Pizza Day (Międzynarodowy Dzień Pizzy)
February 10, Saturday - World Nomadic Day (Światowy Dzień Kociewia). Kocewia is a unique ethnic and cultural region in northern Poland, south of Gdansk. Known for its beautiful nature, interesting sights and unique culture and traditions. The purpose of the holiday is to promote the culture, traditions and heritage of this region.
February 10, Saturday - Coin Mint Day, Mincer Day (Dzień Mincerza). The holiday is dedicated to the creation of the first mint in Poland on February 10, 1766. During this time, the capital's mintzers minted many medals that admired their high artistic level and perpetuated important historical events.
Saturday 10 February - World Hug Day (Światowy Dzień Przytulania)
Sunday 11 February - Forestry Day in Poland (Dzień Leśnictwa)
February 11, Sunday - National Day of Feeding Forest Animals (Ogólnopolski Dzień Dokarmiania Zwierzyny Leśnej) Day of feeding forest animals, Day of Helping Forest Animals in Poland, an unofficial holiday in Poland. This is a good opportunity to think about how forest dwellers cope with frost and snow and how you can help them survive the most difficult time of the year for them.
February 11, Sunday International Day of Women and Girls in Science (Międzynarodowy Dzień Kobiet i Dziewcząt w Nauce)
Sunday 11 February - World Sick Day (Światowy Dzień Chorego). International Catholic Day in Poland. It is held with the aim of drawing people's attention to the problems faced by sick people around the world.
Sunday 11 February - European Day of Emergency Call 112 (Europejski Dzień Numeru Alarmowego 112). The date 11.2 is easy to remember.
Monday 12 February - National Handwriting Day (Ogólnopolski Dzień Pisania Piórem). On this day in 1884, the perpetual pen was invented. The celebration aims to promote handwriting. Have you ever written with a pen? The history of this instrument is very long, from the quill pen used by medieval monks to the modern quill pen. It's worth trying to learn calligraphy and try new styles of writing with a pen.
February 12, Monday - International Darwin Day (International Day of Science and Humanism) - Światowy Dzień Darwina (Światowy dzień nauki i humanizmu). Celebrated on the scientist's birthday.
February 12, Monday - Red Hand Day (International Day of Remembrance of Child Soldiers) Dzień Czerwonej Ręki (Międzynarodowy Dzień Dzieci-Żołnierzy). This is a day prohibiting the use of children under 18 years of age in armed conflict.
February 13, Tuesday (last Tuesday before Ash Wednesday) - Last day of Maslenitsa (Śledzik, Ostatki, Zapustny wtorek, Kusy wtorek). National holiday in Poland. Maslenitsa (Zapusty or Mięsopust) in Poland lasts a week from Fat Thursday (tłustego czwartku) to Ash Wednesday (Środą Popielcową), which begins Lent in Catholicism. The Tuesday before Ash Wednesday, or the last day of Maslenitsa, is called Ostatki or Śledzik in Poland. Sometimes also called Fat Tuesday. Śledzik is celebrated 47 days before Easter. On the last Tuesday before Lent, one had to eat well and drink one's fill. At midnight, the remnants of the feast are removed from the table and placed on herring (śledzie) as a sign that Lent has begun.
Tuesday 13 February - World Radio Day (Światowy Dzień Radia)
February 14, Wednesday (last Wednesday before Lent) - Ash Wednesday, Pepelec (Środą Popielcową, Popielec). Catholic holiday in Poland. Celebrated 46 days before Easter, always falls on Wednesday. First day of Lent. The fast lasts 40 days until Good Friday.
February 14, Wednesday - Valentine's Day, Valentine's Day (Dzień św. Walentego, Walentynki, Walentynki Dzień zakochanych). On February 14, the Catholic Church celebrates Valentine's Day. At the same time, the world also celebrates Valentine's Day, which often has little to do with the cult of saints. Saint Valentine was the bishop of Terni. Lived in the 3rd century, in the Roman state. According to legend, during the time of the Roman Emperor Claudius II, he secretly entered into marriages. He did this despite the imperial decree prohibiting marriages (the empire needed young people to be drafted into the army). He was beheaded around 269 by order of Emperor Claudius. Thus, he became a martyr for the faith.
According to legend, the custom of sending cards on this day began with St. Valentine. While in prison, he restored sight to a blind girl at the request of her caretaker father. And when he was brought to death, he sent the girl a letter full of consolation, which was signed from “your Valentine.”
St. Valentine is the patron saint of lovers, but also the patron saint of patients suffering from diseases of the nervous system, such as headaches, seizures, mental illness, and he primarily cared for people suffering from epilepsy or epilepsy (hence the former name “St. Valentine’s disease”).
Wednesday 14 February - Epilepsy Day (Dzień Chorego na Padaczkę). Unofficial date in Poland. Celebrated on February 14th, Valentine's Day is the patron saint of lovers and people with epilepsy.
Wednesday 14 February - Day of Knowledge about Congenital Heart Defects (Dzień Wiedzy o Wrodzonych Wadach Serca)
February 15, Thursday - Singles Day (Dzień Singla). An alternative to Valentine's Day for people who are not in a romantic relationship.
February 15, Thursday - World Orthodox Youth Day (Światowy Dzień Młodzieży Prawosławnej). Celebrated on February 15, the day of the Orthodox holiday of the Presentation of the Lord.
Thursday 15 February - World Whale Day (Światowy Dzień Wielorybów)
Thursday 15 February - International Children's Cancer Day (Międzynarodowy Dzień Walki z Rakiem Dzieciństwa)
Friday 16 February - Polish Post Day (Day of Postmen and Mailers) (Dzień Listonoszy i Doręczycieli Przesyłek Pocztowych)
Saturday 17 February - Cat Day (Dzień kota) in Poland
Sunday 18 February - World Marine Mammal Day (Whale Day), Światowy Dzień Ochrony Ssaków Morskich (Dzień Wieloryba)
Tuesday 20 February - World Day of Social Justice (Światowy Dzień Sprawiedliwości Społecznej)
February 20, Tuesday - International Pipe Smokers Day, International Pipe Smoking Day (Międzynarodowy Dzień Palących Fajkę), an unusual holiday in Poland
Wednesday 21 February - International Mother Language Day (Dzień Języka Ojczystego). The holiday was established by UNESCO. Celebrated since 2000.
Wednesday 21 February - International Day of Resistance to the Colonial Regime, International Day against the Colonial Regime (Międzynarodowy Dzień Walki z Reżimem Kolonialnym, Dzień Sprzeciwu Wobec Reżimu Kolonialnego)
Wednesday 21 February - World Tour Guide Day (Międzynarodowy Dzień Przewodnika); International Tourist Guide Day (Międzynarodowy Dzień Przewodnika Turystycznego)
Thursday 22 February – Day of Crime Victims (Dzień Ofiar Przestępstw). An official holiday in Poland, established by Polish Law. Coincides with the European Day of Victims. Since February 22, Poland has been celebrating Crime Victims Week, when victims can receive free legal assistance.
February 22, Thursday - Feast of the Chair of St. Peter (Święto katedry św. Piotra Apostoła). Catholic permanent holiday. Celebrated annually on February 22. Working day. in Poland
February 22, Thursday - International Day of Consolation (Międzynarodowy dzień pocieszania się)
February 22, Thursday - Day of Brotherly Thought (Dzień Myśli Braterskiej). Scout holiday.
Friday 23 February - Military Geography Day Święto Geografii Wojskowej in the Polish Armed Forces. Official holiday. Military holiday.
Friday 23 February - National Day Against Depression (Ogólnopolski Dzień Walki z Depresją). Established by the Polish Ministry of Health with the aim of spreading knowledge about depression and attracting patients to treatment.
February 23, Friday - Day without bribes (Dzień bez Łapówki)
Friday 23 February - International Day of Helping Those in Need (Międzynarodowy Dzień Pomocy Potrzebującym). The goal is to help those in need and ask ourselves if necessary.
February 24, Saturday - Day of the Unexpected Kiss (Dzień niespodziewanego całusa), an unusual holiday in Poland.
February 25, Sunday - Day of Sleeping in Public Places (Dzień Spania w Miejscach Publicznych), an unusual holiday in Poland.
Sunday 25 February - World Slowness Day (Światowy Dzień Powolności). An unusual holiday in Poland. On this day they live without haste...
Monday 26 February - Dinosaur Day (Dzień Dinozaura) in Poland
February 26, Monday - Day of Congratulations for Blondes (Dzień Pozdrawiania Blondynek)
Tuesday 27 February - International Polar Bear Day, Polar Bear Day (Dzień Niedźwiedzia Polarnego)
Tuesday 27 February – World NGO Day, World NGO Day (Światowy Dzień Organizacji Pozarządowych), an international holiday in Poland
Tuesday 27 February – International Anosmia Awareness Day (Dzień Wiedzy o Anosmii), an international day in Poland. Anosmia is the complete absence of the sense of smell.
Thursday, February 29 (February 29 in leap years, February 28 in ordinary years) - Rare Disease Day, International Rare Disease Day (Dzień Chorób Rzadkich, Międzynarodowy Dzień Chorób Rzadkich). The commemoration day in Poland aims to raise awareness of rare diseases and their impact on people's lives.
Nowy Dwór Mazowiecki (Nowy Dwor Mazowiecki) is a city in the Mazowieckie Voivodeship of Poland. Included in the Warsaw agglomeration. It is located at the mouth of the Narew River at the confluence wi
Communal amenities in Warsaw housing stock