Holidays in Poland in January 2024
Saturday 30 December 2023 - Monday 1 January 2024 (3 days off) Long weekends in Poland in December 2023 - January 2024:
New Year – Novy Rok. December 30 and 31, 2023, Saturday and Sunday - general holidays. January 1, 2024, Monday, is a day off in Poland for the New Year holiday.
New Year – Novy Rok. December 30 and 31, 2023, Saturday and Sunday - general holidays. January 1, 2024, Monday, is a day off in Poland for the New Year holiday.
January 1, Monday - New Year (Nowy Rok) - official holiday and day off. In 2024, the holiday falls on a Monday. In this regard, the country has a long three-day weekend. The time from the New Year to Ash Wednesday (the beginning of Lent) is the time of carnival and various celebrations.
January 1 - Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Uroczystość Świętej Bożej Rodzicielki Maryi (Świętej Bożej Rodzicielki). Catholic permanent solemnity, the last day of the Octave of Christmas.
January 1 - World Day of Peace/Day of World Prayer for Peace (Światowy Dzień Pokoju / Światowy Dzień Modlitwy o Pokój). World Peace Day is an international holiday celebrated in Poland. Catholics call this holiday the Day of World Prayer for Peace.
January 1, Monday – Feast of the Circumcision of Christ. Catholic holiday. In Catholicism, the feast of the naming and circumcision of Jesus Christ is celebrated on the last, eighth day of the octave of the Nativity of Christ.
January 1, Monday - Public Domain Day (Dzień Domeny Publicznej). International holiday.
January 1, Monday - World Hangover Day (Światowy Dzień Kaca). Coincides with New Year's day off in Poland. The meaning is clear.
January 4, Thursday - Newton Day (Dzień Newtona). International Newton Day is celebrated on the scientist's birthday - January 4, 1642.
January 4, Thursday - International Braille Day (Światowy Dzień Braille). International Braille Day was established on the birthday of the author of the Braille alphabet for the blind - January 4, 1809
January 6, Saturday - Solemnity of the Epiphany or Three Kings (Uroczystość Objawienia Pańskiego (Objawienie Pańskie, Święto Trzech Króli). Catholic permanent celebration. Official day off in Poland. The holiday is dedicated to the birth of Jesus Christ and the arrival of the Magi (three kings) to bow to him.
January 6, Saturday - World Children's Missionary Day. International and Catholic holiday. Coincides with the day of Epiphany in Poland. Called for spiritual communication of all children in the world.
January 6, Saturday – Philatelist Day (Dzień Filatelisty) in Poland
January 7, Sunday - Feast of the Epiphany (Święto Chrztu Pańskiego (Chrzest Pański). Catholic moving holiday. It is celebrated on the first Sunday after the Feast of Epiphany (January 6) and therefore in 2023 the Feast of Epiphany falls on January 7. Epiphany ends the Christmas season. The holiday is dedicated to the Baptism of Jesus Christ in the Jordan River by John the Baptist.
January 7, Sunday – Dziwaka Day (Eccentric Day) Dzień Dziwaka – an unusual holiday in Poland
January 8, Monday - Table Cleaning Day (Dzień Sprzątania Biurka). Celebrated on the second Monday of January. The day is designed to remove everything from last year, literally and figuratively. Unofficial holiday.
January 9, Tuesday - Day of the League for Nature Conservation (Dzień Ligi Ochrony Przyrody). Celebrated in honor of the League for Nature Conservation, a Polish public organization that is the very first environmental organization in the country. The League was founded on the initiative of the State Council for Nature Conservation. The organizational congress took place on January 9, 1928. Unofficial holiday in Poland.
January 10, Wednesday - Energy Cost Reduction Day (Dzień Obniżania Kosztów Energii) in Poland. Celebrated since 1995. The purpose of the holiday is to remind people about the rules of energy saving.
January 11, Thursday - Vegetarian Day (Dzień Wegetarian). The purpose of this day is to promote veterinaryism and create awareness about the health benefits. Also on this day, awareness campaigns on the treatment of animals and environmental protection are organized. Half a million Poles (1.6%) adhere to a vegetarian diet, do not eat meat or fish, and their diet is based on dairy products, eggs, vegetables and fruits. Another 1.6% of people are vegans, that is, they limit their diet exclusively to plant foods. More and more people in Poland are trying to become vegetarians: 3.7% only occasionally eat fish and meat.
January 13, Saturday - Day of Mutual Adoration (Dzień Wzajemnej Adoracji). This is a day of kindness and politeness. An unusual holiday.
January 13, Saturday - International Shirt Day (Międzynarodowy Dzień Koszuli)
January 14, Sunday - Day of Shy People, Day of Shy People (Dzień osób nieśmiałych) or Day of Hidden Love (Dzień ukrytej miłości). This is the day of declaration of love. Shyness isn't always easy to overcome, but there are ways to work on it.
January 15, Monday - Wikipedia Day (Dzień Wikipedii) is an international holiday. The day of creation of Wikipedia is celebrated - January 15, 2001.
January 16, Tuesday - Spicy Food Day, Spicy Food Day (Dzień Pikantnych Potraw) A holiday for all lovers of spicy dishes. An unusual holiday.
January 17, Wednesday - Day of Dialogue with Judaism, Day of Judaism (Dzień Dialogu z Judaizmem) Catholic holiday. Dedicated to dialogue with the Jews. This is a great opportunity to get to know not only the national religion of the Jews, but also to get acquainted with their culture and history.
January 19, Friday - Day of military organizational units of the prosecutor's office in the Armed Forces of Poland, Day of the military prosecutor's office in Poland (Święto Wojskowych Jednostek Organizacyjnych Prokuratury). Established in 2013. Official holiday. Military holiday in Poland.
January 20, Saturday - International Penguin Awareness Day (Międzynarodowy Dzień Wiedzy o Pingwinach)
January 21, Sunday - Grandmother's Day (Dzień Babci) in Poland. Celebrated since 1964. On Grandma's Day, schools and kindergartens hold special performances for Grandma and other events. On this day, grandchildren congratulate their grandmothers.
January 22, Monday - Beginning of the January Uprising (Wybuch Powstania Styczniowego), a memorable date of the military glory of Poland. The January Uprising is the largest Polish national uprising against Russia. It broke out on January 22, 1863 in the Kingdom of Poland and on February 1, 1863 in the former Grand Duchy of Lithuania and lasted until the autumn of 1864. It covered the territories of the Kingdom of Poland, Lithuania, and Belarus. It was aimed at restoring the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth within the borders of 1772. The January uprising ended in the defeat of the Poles.
January 22, Monday - Grandfather's Day, Grandfather's Day (Dzień Dziadka) in Poland. Grandfather's Day is a family holiday in honor of grandfathers. On this day, grandchildren congratulate their grandfathers; meetings, artistic performances by children and refreshments are organized in kindergartens and schools.
January 23, Tuesday - Day of the Most Beloved (Dzień Najbardziej Kochanych). Day of love for those people with whom our life becomes better.
January 23, Tuesday - Handwriting Day (Dzień Pisma Ręcznego). It's actually writing day.
January 23, Tuesday - Day without plastic packaging, Day without foil (Dzień bez Opakowań Foliowych). The goal is to protect nature. International holiday. The campaign against single use in Poland has been going on since 2008. Since September 2019, the country has introduced a recycling fee. Sellers and wholesalers who provide plastic bags to their customers are required to pay it. From 2021, a pan-European ban on the sale of single-use plastic products came into force.
Wednesday 24 January - World Mass Communications Day (Światowy Dzień Środków Masowego Przekazu)
January 25, Thursday - Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul the Apostle (Święto Nawrócenia św. Pawła Apostoła). Catholic permanent holiday. Celebrated annually on January 25th.
January 25, Thursday - Secretary and Assistant Day, Administrative (Office) Worker Day (Dzień Sekretarki i Asystentki, Dzień Sekretarki/Sekretarza) in Poland
January 25, Thursday - Day of Cryptology (Dzień Kryptologii) in Poland
January 26, Friday – Islam Day (Dzień Islamu). Islam Day in the Catholic Church of Poland is celebrated as a day of prayer dedicated to Islam. Established in 2001.
Friday 26 January – National Transplant Day in Poland (Dzień Transplantologii). Celebrated on the anniversary of the first successful kidney transplantation in 1966 at the first surgical clinic of the Medical Academy in Warsaw.
Friday 26 January - International Customs Day (Światowy Dzień Celnictwa). In Poland, International Customs Day has been celebrated since 1992.
January 27, Saturday - Day of Public Employment Service Workers (Dzień Pracownika Publicznych Służb Zatrudnienia) in Poland
January 27, Saturday - International Holocaust Remembrance Day (Międzynarodowy Dzień Pamięci o Holokauście). International memorial date. On this day, the memory of Jews killed by Nazi Germany during the Second World War is honored. Celebrated on January 27, the anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz-Birkau camp in 1945 by the Red Army.
January 28, Sunday - International Personal Data Protection Day. This day also marks European Data Protection Day (Europejski Dzień Ochrony Danych Osobowych).
January 29, Monday - International Day of Mobilization against Nuclear War (Międzynarodowy Dzień Mobilizacji przeciwko Wojnie Nuklearnej)
January 30, Tuesday - Rogalika Day (Dzień Rogalika). The most famous bagel in the world is the croissant.
January 31, Wednesday - Day of Illusionists (Dzień Iluzjonistów)
January 31, Wednesday - International Hug Day (Międzynarodowy Dzień Przytulania)
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