What is a premises called in Poland?
Premises (lokal) - the room or set of rooms separated with the durable walls within the building dedicated to the permanent stay of people, which together with the auxiliary rooms serve the purpose of fulfilling their housing needs or which are used according to their dedication for the purposes other than residential purposes.
Meeting the above mentioned requirements should be determined by the starosts in the form of a statement in accordance with the article 2 section 2 of the act of June 24, 1994 on the ownership of the premises.
Meeting the above mentioned requirements should be determined by the starosts in the form of a statement in accordance with the article 2 section 2 of the act of June 24, 1994 on the ownership of the premises.
Thus, premises are a broader concept than a single room, apartment or several apartments. On the other hand, a room, an apartment, and several apartments can be called a room (lokal).
Source of definition: Act of 24 June 1994 on ownership of premises
Business premises (lokal użytkowy) - premises used only for economic activity on rental terms and in the buildings covered by housing condominiums also premises constituting a separate ownership (retail outlets, service premises, production premises, studios, premises rented as office spaces, premises used for cultural and social activity etc.), which are a source of profit for the entity that rents them.
Source of definition: Main Statistical Office of Poland
Who can be the owner of apartments in Poland
Investment in real estate in Europe. Europe is one of the most attractive regions in the world for real estate investment
Costs for buying an apartment in Poland Warsaw All costs for purchasing real estate in Poland can be divided into the following categories: