Holidays in Poland in December 2023
December 3, Sunday (4th Sunday before Christmas) - First Sunday of Advent (Pierwsza Niedziela Adventu)
A moving date, a period of waiting preceding the Feast of the Nativity of Christ. Beginning of the liturgical year in Poland
A moving date, a period of waiting preceding the Feast of the Nativity of Christ. Beginning of the liturgical year in Poland
December 4 - Day of Rocket Forces and Artillery (Święto Wojsk Rakietowych i Artylerii in the Armed Forces of Poland)
Established by decision of the Minister of National Defense of Poland dated December 24, 2013 No. 432 On the establishment of military holidays and their celebration in the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland. Military holiday. Working day in Poland
December 6 – Mikołajki, St. Nicholas Day (Dzień Świętego Mikołaja) in Poland. Mikołajki is the Polish name for the holiday in honor of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker (św. biskupa Mikołaja), celebrated on December 6 in the Roman Catholic Church. The holiday is one of the most important days for Polish children. They receive gifts from św. Mikołaja on the night of December 5-6. He puts gifts somewhere closer to their beds, hides small packages under the pillow, puts sweets in socks or shoes, and large gifts lie on the floor next to the bed and are seen by the children when they wake up on the morning of December 6th.
Most schools in Poland also organize a special event in "Mikołajkiah", when children share gifts with each other.
Mikołajki Day was not always celebrated as it is now. The idea of giving Saint Nicholas gifts to children only became widespread in Poland in the 19th century. Previously, it was popular mainly among wealthy families. Mikołajki were widely celebrated already at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries, but they gained the greatest popularity only after the end of the 2nd World War.
Many adults also prepare small gifts for their closest friends, family members and loved ones and give them randomly on December 6th, saying that St. Nicholas “accidentally left the package in the wrong place.”
In Poland, gifts hidden under the Christmas tree later in December are believed to be left, for example, by an Angel (Aniołek) or a small child (Dzieciątko, Baby Jesus) - this depends on the beliefs of the particular region. Despite the fact that this part of Christmas traditions has already begun to be influenced by Western media, St. Nicholas in Poland still has its own special evening exclusively on December 6th.
December 8, Friday - Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Uroczystość Niepokalanego Poczęcia Najświętszej Maryi Panny)
Catholic perpetual celebration
December 10, Sunday (3rd Sunday before Christmas) - Second Sunday of Advent (Druga Niedziela Adventu)
Transitional date, waiting time preceding the holiday of the Nativity of Christ
15 December, friday - Military Metrological Service Day (Święto Służby Metrologii Wojskowej) in the Polish Armed Forces
Established by decision of the Minister of National Defense of Poland dated December 24, 2013 No. 432 On the establishment of military holidays and their celebration in the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland. Military holiday. Working day in Poland
December 17, Sunday (4th Sunday before Christmas) - Third Sunday of Advent (Trzecia Niedziela Adventu)
Transitional date, waiting time preceding the holiday of the Nativity of Christ
December 23, 2023, Saturday - December 26, 2023, Tuesday (4 days off). Long weekend in Poland.
Nativity of Christ (Boże Narodzenie). December 23 and 24, 2023, Saturday and Sunday - general holidays. December 25, 2023, Monday, is a day off in Poland for the holiday of the Nativity of Christ. December 26, 2023, Tuesday, is a day off in Poland for the holiday of the Nativity of Christ (second day)
December 24, Sunday (last Sunday before Christmas) - Fourth Sunday of Advent (Czwarta Niedziela Adwentu)
Transitional date, waiting time preceding the holiday of the Nativity of Christ
December 24, Sunday - Catholic Christmas Eve, Christmas Eve (Wigilia Bożego Narodzenia)
The eve of the Catholic everlasting celebration
December 25 – January 1 (dates from Christmas to the Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary) - Octave of the Nativity (Oktawa Narodzenia Pańskiego)
The eight-day period combining Christmas Day and the following Christmas week until the Day of the Blessed Virgin Mary
December 25, Monday - Solemnity of the Nativity of Christ (Nativity of Christ) (first day) Uroczystość Narodzenia Pańskiego (Boże Narodzenie) (pierwszy dzień)
Catholic eternal celebration. Christmas is celebrated for 8 days
December 26, Tuesday - Christmas (second day) Boże Narodzenie (drugi dzień)
December 26, Tuesday - Feast of St. Stephen, the First Martyr (Święto św. Szczepana, pierwszego męczennika)
Catholic permanent holiday
December 27, Wednesday - Feast of St. John, Apostle and Theologian (Święto św. Jana, apostoła i ewangelisty)
Catholic permanent holiday
December 27, Wednesday – Beginning of the Wielkopolska Uprising (Wybuch Powstania Wielkopolskiego). On December 27, 1918, the Greater Poland Uprising (Powstanie wielkopolskie) of 1918-1919 began - an armed uprising of Poles in the province of Poznan ("Greater Poland") against Germany and quickly spread throughout Greater Poland. The Poles demanded that the lands of the Prussian partition be returned to the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, which would strengthen its independence.
On January 6, 1919, the German garrison of Poznan capitulated to the Polish rebels. In February 1919, the Commissariat of the Supreme People's Council announced mobilization and after it the size of the Greater Poland Army increased to 70,000 people. The uprising ended with the victory of the Poles and the signing of an armistice on February 16, 1919 in the city of Trier.
December 28, Thursday Feast of the Holy Innocents of Bethlehem, Martyrs (Święto świętych Młodzianków, męczenników)
Catholic permanent holiday
December 30, 2023, Saturday - January 1, 2024, Monday. Long weekends in Poland in December 2023 - January 2024 (3 days off)
New Year - Novy Rok December 30 and 31, 2023, Saturday and Sunday - general weekend. January 1, 2024, Monday, is a day off in Poland for the New Year holiday
December 31 (movable date, next Sunday after the Nativity of Christ, Sunday - Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph (Feast of the Holy Family) Święto Świętej Rodziny Jezusa, Maryi i Józefa (Święta Rodzina)
Catholic permanent holiday
December 31, Sunday – Sylvester, St. Sylvester's Day (Sylwestr)
This is the holiday of two saints named Sylvester. The first is Pope Sylvester I, who lived in the third century AD. Sylvester is the first to go down in history as one of the most famous popes of the Catholic Church. According to legend, in 314, Saint Sylvester caught and neutralized the Old Testament monster - the sea serpent Leviathan, which was supposed to break free during the change of eras in the year 1000 and lead the world to the end of the world. However, Sylvester I, lassoing the snake, averted the catastrophe.
The second Sylvester - Pope Sylvester II - was the primate of the Roman Catholic Church in the years 999-1003 - just at the very time of the change of eras. He was considered a magician who resisted the machinations of the devil. And in the year 1000 the monster did not break free; to everyone’s joy, the world remained unharmed.
December 31st is the day of the death of Sylvester I. After his death, people decided to honor his memory by celebrating the day of his death as Holy New Year's Day. Over time, this tradition has become increasingly popular and has become celebrated all over the world. In Western Europe and Poland, people began to organize noisy New Year's parties, during which they wished each other a Happy New Year and consumed special dishes and alcoholic drinks.
Holy New Year's Eve is the day that marks the end of the old year and the beginning of the new year. At this time, people say wishes to each other for the New Year, watch fireworks, participate in games, balls, and shows. At midnight they drink champagne and wear white underwear, which symbolizes happiness and success in the new year.
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