Definition of a building and types of buildings in Poland
The building (budynek) is a building site permanently connected to the ground, having a foundation separated from the space by building partitions (i.e. walls and roofs), that is, enclosed by walls on substantially all sides and covered with a roof, with or without a basement, along with built-in plumbing , sewer, heating, electrical, gas networks, etc., as well as built-in furniture that constitutes the normal equipment of the building.
Source of definition: Law of July 7, 1994 - Construction Law (Prawo budowlane)
Source of definition: Law of July 7, 1994 - Construction Law (Prawo budowlane)
Residential building (budynek mieszkalny) – is a construction project, at least half of the total usable area of which is used for residential purposes. In cases where less than half of the total usable area is used for residential purposes, such a building is classified as non-residential in accordance with its purpose.
Additional methodological explanations: The National Census 2011 (NSP2011) also included recreational buildings in this category, which were a separate category in NSP2002.
Source of definition: General Statistical Office of Poland
Non-residential building (budynek niemieszkalny) - is a building that is more than half occupied for nonresidential purposes (e.g., occupied by a school, office, store, warehouse, medical clinic) and that also contains at least one apartment.
Source of definition: General Statistical Office of Poland
A separate building (odrębny budynek) is a building separated from others by free space, and in the case of direct adjoining to another building in a compact development or to other buildings (for example, with complex buildings under one roof, but performing various economic functions) - a building that separated by gable walls. In apartment buildings and terraced apartment buildings, each segment (townhouse) containing separate access to the site, street or garden should be considered as a separate building.
Source of definition: Law of July 7, 1994 - Law on Construction (Prawo budowlane)
A collective housing building (budynek zbiorowego zakwaterowania) is a building, more than half of which is occupied by a collective household (for example, a boarding house, student dormitory, orphanage, sanatorium) and which also contains at least one apartment.
Source of definition: General Statistical Office of Poland
Change in the population of Warsaw for the period 1981 - 2021
Białołęka is one of the youngest districts in Warsaw considering the age of its inhabitants. About two-thirds of Białołęki residents live in multi-storey residential complexes.
Mokotow. Microdistrict (obszar) „Stary Mokotów” (Stary Mokotów)