What is an apartment called in Poland?
Apartment (mieszkanie in Polish) is a premises consisting of one or more rooms and auxiliary premises, intended for permanent residence of people - built or rebuilt for residential purposes; structurally separated by permanent walls inside a building, which has a separate entrance from a staircase, common corridor, common hall or from the street, yard or garden.
Auxiliary premises include: entrance hall (lobby), hall, bathroom, toilet, pantry, dressing room, veranda and other premises located inside the apartment, serving the residential and economic needs of the residents.
Auxiliary premises include: entrance hall (lobby), hall, bathroom, toilet, pantry, dressing room, veranda and other premises located inside the apartment, serving the residential and economic needs of the residents.
Source of definition: Law of December 2, 1999 on the National Population and Housing Census of 2002 (o narodowym spisie powszechnym ludności i mieszkań w 2002 r.); Law of June 24, 1994 on the ownership of premises (o własności lokali); Main Statistical Office of Poland
Apartments can be occupied (residential) or uninhabited (non-residential).
Mieszkanie zamieszkane – inhabited apartment (residential)
An apartment in which at least 1 person lives, regardless of whether he is registered in the apartment for permanent or temporary residence, or whether he lives in the apartment temporarily without registration.
Source of definition: General Statistical Office of Poland
Mieszkanie niezamieszkane – uninhabited apartment (non-residential)
An apartment in which, at the time of the statistical survey, not a single person was registered (permanently or temporarily) and not a single person lived, even temporarily, without registration.
This applies to unallocated apartments located in new buildings that have been put into operation, apartments undergoing reconstruction or vacated for renovation, apartments unoccupied due to ongoing judicial or enforcement proceedings, apartments not accepted for occupancy due to poor technical condition, apartments remaining in reserve of the reporting unit, as well as uninhabited for other reasons.
Source of definition: General Statistical Office of Poland
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