Population of Warsaw districts
Let's consider the population of the capital and its districts. The population of the capital is 1,863,056 people as of December 31, 2021. We calculated the proportion of population of each district in Warsaw. The largest number of residents live in the districts of Mokotów and Praga-Południe (225,916 and 186,834 people respectively and 12.1 and 10.0 percent of the total number of residents in Warsaw). The largest districts in terms of population also include Białołęka - 8.2% Ursynów and Wola - 8.1% each of the number of residents in Warsaw.
The most populated areas are Rembertów and Wesoła (24,670 and 26,380 people respectively and 1.3 and 1.4 percent of the total number of residents in Warsaw). As you can see, these areas are 9 times smaller in population than Mokotowu. Small compared to the capital are the districts of Włochy, Wilanów, Żoliborz, whose population fluctuates around 50 thousand inhabitants.
The most populated areas are Rembertów and Wesoła (24,670 and 26,380 people respectively and 1.3 and 1.4 percent of the total number of residents in Warsaw). As you can see, these areas are 9 times smaller in population than Mokotowu. Small compared to the capital are the districts of Włochy, Wilanów, Żoliborz, whose population fluctuates around 50 thousand inhabitants.
The table shows the population of Warsaw with districts for two dates in 2021: June 30 and December 31. So, the population of the capital during this period grew by 2851 people or 0.15%. It grew at a faster pace in areas of more intensive development - Białołęka, Ochota, Wola, Żoliborz. In just the observed six months, the population increased in 9 districts, and in 9 it decreased.
The most densely populated areas are: Praga-Południe - 8348 people/1 km2 Ochota - 8332, Wola - 7848, Ursus - 7198, Żoliborz - 6922 people/1 km2. The lowest population density is in the areas of Wawer, Wesoła, Rembertów, Wilanów, Włochy. And it is significantly inferior to the average city.
There are 1,003,355 women living in Warsaw, representing 53.9% of the total population. We calculated the proportion of women in the population of each urban district of Warsaw. What happens?
The largest number of women relative to the total population is in the districts of Śródmieście - 55.4%, Mokotów - 54.9, Praga-Południe - 54.7, Ochota - 54.4% of the total number of residents. As we can see, these are all old districts of Warsaw.
The lowest proportion of women is in areas such as Wesoła – 51.6%, Rembertów – 52.1, Białołęka – 52.4, Ursus – 52.5, Wawer – 52.6% of the total number of residents. So, it’s better for single men to choose other areas for dating...
The last thing we would like to draw your attention to is the number and proportion of the working age population. There are 746,762 people of this age living in Warsaw, which is 40.1% of the total population. Figuratively speaking, 2 out of 5 people are pensioners. According to our calculations, the most “elderly” areas are: Ursynów and Wawer - 42.5% each, Bemowo 42.1, Bielany and Wesoła 41.8% of the population of non-working age.
At the same time, the “youngest” districts were Białołęka - 36.1% of elderly people, Wola - 36.9, Włochy - 37.4 Ursus - 37.7% of working-age citizens. Younger people moving to new homes is also having an impact here.
Table. Population by districts of Warsaw
Districts |
Total |
Of total number |
Per 1 km2 |
Share of the district's population in the city, % |
Share of women in the region, % |
Share of pensioners in the region, % |
females |
non-working age population |
as of 30.06 |
as of 31.12 |
M.st. Warszawa |
1860205 |
1863056 |
1003355 |
746762 |
3602 |
100,0 |
53,9 |
40,1 |
Warsaw |
Bemowo |
129317 |
129169 |
68727 |
54443 |
5177 |
6,9 |
53,2 |
42,1 |
Białołęka |
151715 |
153100 |
80148 |
55298 |
2096 |
8,2 |
52,4 |
36,1 |
Bielany |
134341 |
133478 |
72518 |
55833 |
4127 |
7,2 |
54,3 |
41,8 |
Mokotów |
226391 |
225916 |
124103 |
91974 |
6378 |
12,1 |
54,9 |
40,7 |
Ochota |
79054 |
80988 |
44043 |
31697 |
8332 |
4,3 |
54,4 |
39,1 |
Praga-Południe |
187054 |
186834 |
102177 |
76199 |
8348 |
10,0 |
54,7 |
40,8 |
Praga-Północ |
61138 |
60855 |
32888 |
23213 |
5381 |
3,3 |
54,0 |
38,1 |
Rembertów |
24804 |
24670 |
12865 |
10177 |
1278 |
1,3 |
52,1 |
41,3 |
Śródmieście |
102448 |
101979 |
56536 |
42153 |
6550 |
5,4 |
55,4 |
41,3 |
Targówek |
124596 |
124240 |
67005 |
51389 |
5106 |
6,7 |
53,9 |
41,4 |
Ursus |
66947 |
67373 |
35346 |
25405 |
7198 |
3,6 |
52,5 |
37,7 |
Ursynów |
152780 |
151432 |
81146 |
64286 |
3458 |
8,1 |
53,6 |
42,5 |
Wawer |
86063 |
86399 |
45417 |
36752 |
1084 |
4,6 |
52,6 |
42,5 |
Wesoła |
26249 |
26380 |
13609 |
11038 |
1150 |
1,4 |
51,6 |
41,8 |
Wilanów |
50760 |
51172 |
27019 |
20337 |
1393 |
2,7 |
52,8 |
39,7 |
Włochy |
49065 |
49280 |
25975 |
18435 |
1721 |
2,6 |
52,7 |
37,4 |
Wola |
150926 |
151158 |
82023 |
55733 |
7848 |
8,1 |
54,3 |
36,9 |
Żoliborz |
56557 |
58633 |
31810 |
22400 |
6922 |
3,1 |
54,3 |
38,2 |
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