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According to statistics on the availability of residential premises in Warsaw as of December 31, 2020 (this is the latest official date):
Number of apartments in Warsaw - 1020433
Number of rooms in apartments - 3196637
The usable area of apartments in Warsaw is 60,159,226 sq. m. meters
The average number of rooms in an apartment is 3.13
The usable area of one apartment in Warsaw is 59.0 sq. m. meters
Average number of people living in one room - 0.56
As a result of the housing boom over the past decade, the number of apartments in Warsaw in 2020 increased by 169,529 units or 20% compared to 2010. During the same time, the number of rooms in city apartments increased by 464,328 units or 17%.
Useful area of apartments for the period 2010-2020. increased by 10632875 sq. meters or 21.5%.
The average number of rooms in an apartment decreased from 3.21 to 3.13. This indicates a trend towards housing with fewer rooms. This is confirmed by the fact that the increase in the number of apartments was 20%, and the increase in the number of rooms in them was only 17%.
At the same time, the useful area of one apartment has increased slightly over the decade - from 58.2 sq. meters in 2010 to 59.0 sq. meters in 2020.
The average number of people living in one room also decreased – from 0.62 to 0.56. This indicates more comfortable living conditions.
Housing and utilities in the suburbs of Warsaw (Suburbs of Warsaw3)