Prices for apartments in Warsaw in January 2022
The average price per m² in January 2022 for Warsaw is PLN 11,481. Compared to December 2021, apartment prices in Warsaw increased by PLN 66 or 0.58%. The average price per square meter in Warsaw increased by PLN 1,166 or 11.31% over the year.
In January 2022, the number of active housing offers in Warsaw amounted to 17,385 and decreased by 2,155 or 11.0% compared to the previous month. The largest number of offers in the area Mokotów - 2839 active listings. The Rembertów area has the smallest selection of apartments for sale - only 168 listings.
The duration of the activity of the offer on the market is the number of days for which an apartment is sold on average. In the month of January this number for Warsaw is 89 days. The previous month had 84 days. This means that the period of active supply in the market has increased. The fastest selling apartments are in the Rembertów area - the average duration of the activity of the supply on the market here is 56 days. The longest waiting time for the sale of an apartment is in the central Srednemieście district, where the estimated average time of activity on the market is 103 days.
There are currently 16,000 offers of apartments and houses located in 7,300 buildings in Warsaw, including:
1-room apartments (1520 apartments)
2-room apartments (5789 apartments)
3-room apartments (5292 apartments)
4-room apartments (2146 apartments)
5-room apartments (632 apartments)
6-room apartments (122 apartments)
7-room apartments (48 apartments)
8-room apartments (31 apartments)
9-room apartments (4 apartments)
10 or more room apartments (8 apartments)
The area of the offered apartments is from 5.0 m² to 488.0 m².
The area of the offered houses is from 35.0 m² to 1100.0 m².
The cheapest apartment available for sale costs PLN 105,000.
The cheapest house available for sale costs PLN 174,900.
Prices for apartments by districts of Warsaw in January 2022
District of Warsaw |
Price per m² in January 2022 |
Price per m² in March 2020 |
Growth (%) January 2022 vs March 2020 |
Center of Warsaw, Śródmieście |
PLN 16,064 |
PLN 15,105 |
106,3 % |
Żoliborz |
PLN 13,340 |
PLN 12,735 |
104,8 % |
Wilanow |
PLN 13,193 |
PLN 11,172 |
118,1 % |
Wola |
PLN 12,565 |
PLN 12,107 |
103,8 % |
Mokotow |
PLN 12,395 |
PLN 11,667 |
106,2 % |
Ochota |
PLN 12,120 |
PLN 11,515 |
105,2 % |
Ursynow |
PLN 11,109 |
PLN 10,131 |
109,7 % |
Prague North, Prague Północ, Prague North (Praga Północ) |
PLN 11,023 |
PLN 11,082 |
99,5 % |
Vlohi (Włochy) |
PLN 10,981 |
PLN 9,850 |
111,5 % |
Bielany |
PLN 10,568 |
PLN 10,136 |
104,3 % |
Bemovo |
PLN 10,525 |
PLN 9,827 |
107,1 % |
Prague-South, Prague Noon, Prague South (Praga Południe) |
PLN 10,491 |
PLN 10,000 |
104,9 % |
Ursus |
PLN 9,660 |
PLN 8,751 |
110,4 % |
Targowek |
PLN 9,591 |
PLN 8,724 |
110,0 % |
Waver |
PLN 9,284 |
PLN 7,400 |
125,5 % |
Bialoleka |
PLN 8,947 |
PLN 7,782 |
115,0 % |
Rembertow |
PLN 8,185 |
PLN 7,032 |
116,4 % |
Vesola (Wesola) |
PLN 7,539 |
PLN 8 209 |
91,8 % |
Average in Warsaw |
PLN 11,481 |
PLN 11,012 |
104,3 % |
The highest growth rates were observed in the prices of apartments in Wawer - 125.5%, Wilanów - 118.1%, Rembertów - 116.4%, Białołęka - 115.0%. The price has decreased only in 2 districts - Vesola (Wesoła) and Prague-North, Prague Polnots (Praga Północ). The general trend in covid times is confirmed - people prefer less busy outskirts to the center
As in 2020, in 2022 the most expensive district of Warsaw is the central Śródmieście; the cheapest is Wesoła, although earlier it was Rembertów. The cost of 1 m² of an apartment in Śródmieście is PLN 16,064, which is PLN 4,483 higher than the city average. The price of 1 m² of housing in the Śródmieście area is 39.9% higher than the average price in Warsaw. Zoliborz is in second place among the most expensive districts of Warsaw. Here, the cost of 1 m² of an apartment is PLN 13,340 - PLN 1,859 more than the average in the city. The Wilanów district came in third, ahead of the Wola district. The price for 1 m² of an apartment here is PLN 13,193, which is PLN 1,712 more than the average price of 1 m² in Warsaw.
In the month of January 2022, the cheapest area of Warsaw is Vesola. The average price per 1 m² of an apartment in this area is PLN 7539, which is PLN 3942 or 65.7% lower than the average price in the city. In second place among the cheapest areas is Rembietów with the price of 1 m² of an apartment at PLN 8185. This is PLN 3296 less than the average price in the city or 71.3% of the average price in the city. The third place is occupied by the district of Bialolenk, where 1 m² of an apartment costs PLN 8947, which is PLN 2534 less than the average for the city
Streets with the highest prices in Warsaw
The street |
Price per m² |
Stary Nalewki Street (ulica Stare Nalewki) |
PLN 30,145 |
Krzysztof Kamil Baczyński Street (ulica Krzysztofa Kamila Baczyńskiego) |
PLN 28,244 |
Wioslarska Street (ulica Wioślarska) |
PLN 25,622 |
United Nations Rondo Organizacji Narodów Zjednoczonych (ONZ) |
PLN 25,551 |
Nowy Zjazd Street (ulica Nowy Zjazd) |
PLN 23,283 |
Bolesława Prusa Street (ulica Bolesława Prusa) |
PLN 23,237 |
Senacka Street (ulica Senacka) |
PLN 23,112 |
Książęca street (ulica Książęca) |
PLN 22,954 |
Streets with the lowest prices in Warsaw
The street |
Price per m² |
Street Ratynecka (ulica Ratyniecka) |
PLN 5580 |
Zakowska street (ulica Żakowska |
PLN 5675 |
Mikhalinki street (ulica Michalinki) |
PLN 5698 |
Szymbarska Street (ulica Szymbarska) |
PLN 5716 |
Olecka street (ulica Olecka) |
PLN 5739 |
Trzebnicka street (ulica Trzebnicka) |
PLN 5976 |
Stumska street (ulica Sztumska) |
PLN 6087 |
Street Pochatkova (ulica Początkowa) |
PLN 6124 |
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